Chapter 3

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Alex's POV 

"Alex wake up," a voice said to me.

"Go away" I mumbled throwing a pillow at them.

"Luke is here for you," Will said and I rolled over.

"Why so early?" I groaned.

"I have no idea" Will said and then he left the room.

I eventually got out of bed and had a quick shower. I fish tailed my blonde hair.

I put on my white and grey long sleeve mesh crop too, light wash denim overalls, my golden woven sandals and my pearl earrings. I eventually found my glasses and put them on. I put my phone and purse in my brown satchel and then ran downstairs to see Luke on my couch playing X-box.

"Why are you hear so earlier?" I asked and Luke looked up. He was wearing a white muscle tank which an Aztec style palm hand thing, black jeans and black Vans. He had on his black beanie and his hair in a small messy quiff.

"We are doing something today," Luke said standing up smiling.

"We did something yesterday".

"Yeah but we are doing best friend stuff today, silly," he said with a goofy smile which made me smile.

"Like what?" I asked as I grabbed an up and go from the fridge.

"Everything and anything".

"Can we make s'more dip, oh my god it looks so good on Vine" I said and Luke laughed.

"Yeah sure ok, but first we need to go to Starbucks".

"We can walk or do you wanna drive?" I asked.

"Let's drive," Luke said and I nodded, finishing my up and go. We got in my car and I started it, driving away.

"I'm really hungry," I said and on cue, my stomach made a noise and Luke laughed.

"When are you not hungry?".

"Never". We continued talking about stupid things, it was like Luke and I were never apart.

Once we arrived, we jumped out and went inside to order.

"I'll have a caramel frappe and a chocolate muffin and she will have a chocolate frappe and a choc chip muffin," Luke said and I smiled.

"How do you remember what I order?" I asked as we sat down.

"I pay attention".

"So tell me, Luke, what's it like being famous?" I asked.

"I wouldn't say I'm famous but I love everything about being in a band and touring, our fans are amazing and loyal, singing gives me a buzz and it's awesome to be doing it with my 3 best friends". I smiled and he smiled back.

"You always sounded like you were having the time of your life".

"I still am and it's better now that I'm here with you," Luke said smiling goofily.

I don't think Luke will ever realize that I like him. A part of me hopes he does and a part of me hopes he doesn't.

There are so many girls out there, prettier than me, funnier than me, less damaged then me.

"Maybe I could style you boys on the next tour," I said with a wink.

"Do it?" Luke said seriously.

"I was being sarcastic and besides, I don't have the qualifications to be a stylist".

"You could just come".

"Luke I start Uni next year, I can't just give that up".

"I know you can't," Luke said looking down. We continued eating and drinking and then we left.

"So where to now?" I asked.

"I really have no idea," Luke said which made me laugh.,

"Can we buy stuff for the s'mores?" I asked and Luke nodded.

"Let's go then!" Luke exclaimed jumping in the car. As we drove off my message tone went off. And it just happened to be What DoesThe Fox Say.

"Uh um I can explain" I began, Luke laughing his head off.

"Can you really?" Luke asked as we pulled up at the shops.

"No probably not," Luke said. I got my phone from my bag but before I could check my text, there was a small scream.

"Luke oh my god!" a brown haired girl squealed walking over to us.

"Hi girls," Luke said and they began talking which gave me a chance to check my text.

From- Callluuummm :)
Hey, I was wondering if you and Luke wanted to go to the beach on Friday? Yes I know he's with you ;) x

I rolled my eyes at the text and replied to the text.

To- Callluuummm :)
Yeah, of course, I will come! Luke's talking to some fans right now but you and I both now that he will want to come :) xx

"Sorry about that" Luke said walking back over to me.

"You did nothing wrong?" I asked. That wasn't supposed to sound like a question.

"I was talking to those girls for a good 10 minutes Alex".

"It doesn't bother me, you probably just made those girls lives," I said smiling and we both laughed.

"Really so you don't mind that I stop to talk to them?" he asked me, looking concerned.

"I really don't care Luke," I said laughing and he dropped the subject.

"So what do we need?" Luke asked me.

"Hold on, let me check the vine," I said and we both laughed.

I played the video and then we set off to look for the ingredients.

"Let's make a Keek!" Luke exclaimed pulling his phone out. I rolled my eyes and he started recording.

"Hey guys, I'm at the shops with my best friend Alex, say hi!" he said putting the camera on me.

"Hi!"'I said blushing and I gave a small wave.

"We are going to make s'mores later so anyways bye, love you all!" Luke exclaimed finishing the keek and posting it.

"I've found everything!" I said to Luke, whose beanie was falling off his head.

"Luke let me fix your beanie," I said to him. He nodded and I placed it properly back on his head, his blonde hair sticking out if it.

Luke's POV 

When Alex fixed by beanie, her fingers were so careful and delicate as weird as that sounds.

She didn't take it off and shove it back ok, she took her time and fixed it up neatly.

"Let me buy it," Alex said once we reached the checkout. I went to protest but she gave me the look.

"So where to now?" I asked once we left the shops.

"Home now," Alex said with a smile. I nodded and we got in her car.

"Who texted you before?" I asked curiously.

"Oh, just Calum".

"What about?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, do you wanna go to the beach with us on Friday?" Alex asked focusing on the road.

"Yeah sure, why not," I said with a smile.

"Sweet I haven't been in ages".

"Same I added". Once we got home Alex jumped out of the car and we walked inside to see Will and a brown haired boy.

"Hey Will, hey Josh," Alex said walking over to the brown haired boy. Josh smiled and gave her a hug.

He was looking at her like he was still in love with her.

"Hey Ally," Josh said. I can see why Alex liked Josh if you know what I mean.

He had a small tan and bright green eyes. His brown hair was messy and he had muscles. The complete opposite of me. I'm tall and awkward.

"Hey Luke, it's been a while!" Josh exclaimed giving me a wave. Josh and I used to go to school together, but then he moved to boarding school in Adelaide in year 8, the exact time as Alex.

"Yeah good to see you, Josh".

"Anyways Josh and I were just leaving, see you guys," Will said seeing the look on my face. Will knows that I like Alex, I think everyone but Alex knows I like her, which sucks. A lot.

"See you later Will, by Josh!" Alex yelled out.

"Bye Alex, Luke" Josh called back. I breathed a sigh of relief once he had gone but luckily Alex didn't notice.

"So how do we make this?" I asked smiling and Alex showed me the vine.

----------10 minutes later lol-------

"This smells so good," Alex said walking outside with the dip. I had the biscuits, which also smelt good.

"Quickly sit down so we can eat them," I said sitting down on the grass.

"No quickly stand up, I have to put Adam and Tara in their area thingy," Alex said getting the Jack Russell and Kelpie and placing them in a small fenced area for a while.

"Can we eat now?" I asked as Alex sat back down. She nodded and I dipped a biscuit in the chocolate and marshmallow dip.

"How is it?" Alex asked sitting down opposite me.

"It tastes like heaven on earth," I said and Alex shoved some in her mouth.

"Pig," I said with a wink and Alex tried not to laugh with her mouth full.

"I think I could live off this stuff," Alex said and I smiled.

"Let's take selfies!" Alex exclaimed out of nowhere.

"And what would we do with them exactly?".

"Eat them," Alex said sarcastically.

"No seriously".

"I dunno, Instagram one if them". Alex has an obsession with instsgram.

"Yeah sure ok," I said and Alex came and sat next to me.

We took heaps of random ones, Alex texting them to me.

"Which one should I upload to Instagram?" Alex asked.

"I like then one where you are wearing my beanie.." I said trailing off.

"Yeah me too, it's cute". I smiled and she rested her head on my shoulder. She has no idea how much I want her right now.

"There all done!" Alex exclaimed. I checked my notifications and saw that I had been tagged.

The caption was- @alexandramadeline(my ACUTAL Insta follow me guyssss) DREAM TEAM :) <3 @luke_is_a_penguin #blondebestfriends #17yearsandcounting #weliketomakefood

"What one should I put up?" I asked scrolling through the pictures.

"I don't even know, whatever one you like best," Alex said with a smile.

I eventually chose one where Alex is doing a cheesy grin and I'm laughing.

I uploaded it with the caption- @luke_is_a_penguin- Fabulous Friends :D xx @alexandramadeline

I was flooded with comments straight away, a lot of them asking who Alex is.

One stood out to me the most. It said this- @5SOSfamsydney- come on Luke, you clearly like Alex ask her outttt you guys would be perfect! <3

I smiled at the comment, I probably looked like an idiot.

"What are you smiling at Lukeee?" Alex asking resting against me.

"Oh, nothing".

"Sure sure".

I could feel my heart beating faster when Alex leant against me. She isn't one of those girls who latch onto you. She isn't fake one little bit. She is one of the most genuine people I have ever met.

And that's partly the reason I fell for her.


hey hey hey :) Hope you enjoyed this chapter!


Alex's outfit is the external link!

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Lots of love,

~Alex xx

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