Chapter 35

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Alex's POV =) 

No Uni again today, thanking The Lord. I went to pull the covers off but the instantly regretted it because it was freezing! I opened up my laptop and looked at the weather for today, 15 degrees! What the hell, it was like 40 yesterday. So weird. 

I quietly got out of bed and pulled on a pair of black leggings and a grey jumper which said 'Liberty' in white and had a picture underneath. 

I threw my hair up into a messy bun and put my glasses on since I really couldn't be bothered with contacts today. 

"Why is it so cold?" Luke mumbled and I giggled and crawled back under the covers. 

"I know right, it's weird" I said and he wrapped his arms around me. 

"I'll keep you warm since you are so fucking cold all the time" Luke mumbled against my neck and I laughed.

"I can't help that!" I protested pulling my phone out and going on twitter. I instantly regretted it but once I started looking at my mentions I couldn't stop. 

'Kill yourself' 

'Just go die, Luke doesn't want you' 

'Wtf you are so ugly go hang yourself' 

'What does Luke even see in you' 

I started shaking and crying, I completely forgot that Luke was holding me. 

"Ally, babe are you ok?" Luke asked startled and I shook my head. I suppose I should tell him but the only other people that know are Will and my Mum. 

(Don't read if triggering please <3) 

In year 9,10 and 11 I had depression. I never cut but I would do the whole hair tie on the wrist thing. It all really started because of Aleisha and her stupid comments but then they got worse. She never left me alone, ever. 

The bullying from her and her friends got worse, so bad that I tried to kill myself in year 11. I overdosed on pills and woke up in hospital the next morning. When people asked why I was in the hospital I told them that I had passed out and I was getting checked up on.

"If I tell you Luke, I promise I won't blame you for any of your actions or words ok" I said and Luke look alarmed. Well here goes nothing. 

"In year 9,10 and 11 I was depressed, I didn't cut but I did the whole hair tie on the wrist thing" I started not looking at Luke. 

"Aleshia started it, with her friends they would bully me constantly and it never stopped, ever". 

"In year 11, I tried to kill myself. I overdosed on pills and the next morning I woke up in the hospital and it kinda faded away after Aliesha gave up but I still have anxiety and get upset about small things" I finished. 

"Feel free to judge me now" I said looking up. Luke was crying, not just little tears. Sobs and big fat tears running down his face. 

"Aliesha oh my gosh Ally, I'm so sorry this is all my fault". Well that was unexpected. 

"Don't you dare blame yourself Lucas, she was an angel in your eyes" I got out. 

"You tried to kill yourself, why please tell me why?" Luke begged through sobs. 

"The bullying, my anxiety, my depression and my parents fighting all the time was just too much ok, it had nothing to do with you ok, I promise Luke". 

"Oh Ally".

"See, I told you I was broken and a mess". 

"We can fix that though, I promise that" Luke said and I cried even harder. The fact that he still wants to be with me after everything I just said shows me that he truly does care. 

"I don't think we can Luke" I said truthfully and he cried even harder. 

"You are so beautiful, you know that right" he said in-between sobs and I half smiled. 

"Why are you crying Luke?" I asked. 

"Because you mean so much to me and I never ever want you to hurt yourself again, please promise me that Ally, please ok I could never forgive myself if something happened to you". 

"I promise Luke" I said and he pulled me into his chest. We stayed like that for a while, not moving. I always feel safe in Luke's arms, as cheesy as that sounds. 

"Wanna go to that photo booth for a bit?" Luke said and I nodded. I quickly put on some makeup and my full black Vans and then we headed out, hand in hand. 

Luke's grip was tighter then ever. 

"Why are you holding my hand so tightly?" I asked, not meaning to sound rude. 

"I'm afraid if I let go, I'll loose you" Luke said and I nearly started crying again. 

"You'll never loose me Luke". 

Luke's POV =) 

Why had she never told me this before now? We were best friends then. Well I guess she was in Adelaide but then how was Aliesha bullying her? 

"Alex can I ask you something?". 

"Yeah sure" she replied

"Well in year 9,10 and 11 you were in Adelaide, how was Aliesha doing that to you?". 

"I came back quite often and ever heard of the Internet Luke?". I'm now questioning why I ever dated Aliesha. 

"So she bullied you over the Internet, why did she even bully you in the first place?" I asked as we got near the shopping center. 

"Because she thought that she was going to loose you to me". 

"And all those times she told me that you were calling her a bitch, slut and all that stuff that was really her saying that to you?" I asked picking up and she nodded. 

"Pretty much" Alex said quietly and I sighed. 

"Oh my gosh this is all my fault". 

"You can't blame yourself Luke, you loved her a lot" Alex said and I almost cried. Despite Aliesha being a complete bitch to her, she is still sticking up for her.

"Does anyone else know about Aliesha bullying you?" I asked as we walked inside. 

"Mum, Will, Bec, Calum and Josh". 

"Why did you never tell me?" I asked a little bit hurt. 

"You were happy with her, I didn't want to take that away from you Luke when you were happy, you made me happy" Alex said and I smiled and kissed her cheek. We headed inside the booth and selected the 16 photo option. 

"What the hell are we supposed to do for 16 photos?" I asked and Alex rolled her eyes. 

"Everything" she said and she pulled a face while I was looking at her with a weird expression. She giggled and I kissed her cheek as the flash went off. 

We ended up having more stupid photos then good ones, which usually happens. My favourite one was when I had my arms around her and Alex was smiling with her mouth closed. 

"That one is my favourite" I said pointing to it. 


"Yeah, why?" I asked taking her hand. 

"I look bad" Alex said quietly and I nearly screamed. She is so beautiful and she doesn't even see it. 

"You look beautiful ok, you always look beautiful". She blushed and I kissed her cheek. 

As we headed home an idea popped into my head. 

"Ally, when we get home I just quickly need to grab something from my room and I will be straight back, I promise". She nodded and soon we were back home and she headed back to her room. 

I ran into my room and grabbed my guitar and then ran back to Alex's house and into my room. 

She was sitting cross legged on her bed and I faced her and began to sing. 

"Simmer down, simmer down" I began singing the lyrics of She Looks So Perfect. I could see her smile which made me break out into a grin. 

When Alex is happy, it makes me happy. She is the most amazing person and doesn't deserve any of the hate that she gets, none at all. 


kinda short but whatever

i hope you liked it! 


Alex's outfit is the external link! 

Comment and vote please <3

Lots of love,

~Alex xx

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