Chapter 14

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Alex's POV =)

It's been two days since my birthday and yesterday we had Michael's 18th and it was great. I have never seen Michael so drunk before and it was hilarouis. Bec and Ashton also got really drunk, Luke, Calum, the girls and I got a bit tipsy but not overly. We leave for Michael's birthday trip next week and everyone is really excited, espically me because I love the beach.

I checked my phone to see the time, 12pm. I got up and pulled the covers off and the first thing I saw was blood. Oh shit, peroied time. Yay(note sarcasm). I quickly stripped my sheats and put them in the wash and then checked my draw and I swore again. I was out of pads(man why I am writing this) and my first thought was to text Bec, so I did but I went to my school bag, god knows why I still have it but I found a spare pad and chucked that on. 

To- Becccc <3

Hey, can you please go to the shops and get me some pads? please, actually no just do it bye bye bye x 

I put my phone down and chucked on my black leggings and a marroon sweat which said 'Geek' in white. I put on my glasses and checked my phone to see if Bec had replied. Someone had replied but it wasn't Rebecca. I had accidentley texted Luke.Oh my god. I was so used to having Bec at the top of my text messages so I assumed that it was her that I was texting. Oh my god, what have I done. This is so awkward.

From- Luke <3 

I think this was supossed to go to Bec but I will do it anyone since you seem to be desperate ;) I'll be there in 20 minutes babe <3

I think I have scored the best boyfriend in the world. I went and got another sheet and put it on my bed. I went down into the lounge and made myself some toast with peanut butter. As I started eating there was a knock on my door and Luke walked in with a bag.

"That was really awkward" he said and I laughed.

"That was supossed to go to Bec, I'm so sorry" I said and Luke shook his head and handed me the bag.

"It's ok really" he said and he kissed my cheek.

"So, you can go if you want" I said finishing my toast.

"But I want to stay with you" Luke said pouting and I smiled. He was wearing black trackies(sweats) one of the 5SOS merch tops and black Vans.

"Ok then, you can stay" I said and Luke smiled. We went up into my room and a plaited my hair out of my face.

"Do you wanna go get some movie's and chocolate?" Luke asked and I nodded. I slipped on my white low Converse and grabbed my purse.

"Let's go" I said and we left. We decided to walk, even though it was pretty cold for spring outside.

"So what movies do you want to get?" Luke asked taking my hand.

"Paranormal Acitvity marathon?" I suggested and Luke nodded. I haven't watched those movies in ages.

"Or should we get non scary movies?" Luke asked and I laughed.

"Is Hemmings scared?" I asked with a wink and Luke shook his head.

"More like Payton is scared" Luke said and I rolled my eyes.

"Not really" I said as we got closer to the shop.

"So you won't pee you're pants?" Luke asked and I gave him a look.

"Luke Hemmings that is disgusting" I said as we walked into the video store and he laughed.

"Hey guys" a voice said and I turend around to see Josh at the counter. Luke's hand gripped my hand tighter and I gave him a look. I know he doesn't like Josh but I don't see why.

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