Chapter 22

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Alex's POV =) 

I woke up really early for some reason, it was around 7am. I wasn't tired anymore so I went and got dressed. I put on my red and white thin striped bikini, a light cream/beige loose sleeveless sundress and gold sandals. I plaited my hair and then my phone went off. 

"Hello?" I said answering the phone and leaving mine and Luke's room. I went down stairs and put my sunglasses on and headed to the balcony. 

"Hey Ally, how are you?" Mum asked. 

"I'm good, why are you calling this early?" I asked sitting down on a chair. 

"Are you outside?" she asked. 

"Yeah why?". 

"Well you have been accepted in New South Wales University!" My mum said with excitement in my voice and I squealed.

"Oh my god what for?" I asked smiling like crazy. 

"English, teaching, fashion stylisim and rowing" Mum said and I grinned. A bit of a variety of subject choices but who cares. 

"This is amazing!" I said grinning. 

"I'm so proud of you!" Mum said over the phone. 

"What about Will?" I asked sitting back down. 

"He got drafted to the Sydney Swans" Mum said. 

"Wasn't the draft in November?" I asked confused. 

"Yeah that's what I thought but they really liked him" Mum said and I smiled. 

"Wow this is great!" I exclaimed smiling. 

"I'm so proud of you Ally but I really have to get back to work" Mum said. 

"See you soon, love you" I said to her. 

"Love you too". After she had hung up I squealed and everyone ran down stairs.

"What happened, are you ok?" Maria asked with a shocked look on her face. 

"Guess who got into Uni!" I said squealing and everyone cheered. Luke ran over and pulled me into a huge hug and kissed me. 

"That's amazing, what for?" Luke asked letting me go. 

"Um English, teaching, fashion stylisim and rowing" I said sitting down. 

"Hold up, you row?" Ashton asked and everyone laughed. 

"Ash sometimes I don't think you follow me on Instagram" I said and everyone laughed harder. 

"Oh I do but you just seem like the kind of person who wouldn't row" Ashton said and I rolled my eyes. 

After everyone had relaxed, we all ate breakfast and then headed down to the beach. 

I jumped onto Luke's back and we headed down. I sometimes think that I spend way to much time at the beach but then again, you can never spend too much time at a place you love to death. 

We chucked all our stuff down and I quickly took a photo of Maria and I because Instagram was calling. 

@alexandramadeline- Maria is cool 

 @maria_v #beachday3 #ilivehere 

After I had posted it I ran down to the water and jumped onto Bec's back and she fell into the water. 

"Dude you suck shit" Bec said and I laughed. 

"Ew that's gross man" I said which caused everyone laugh. Bec screwed up her face in disgust and I poked my tounge out at her. 

"You are gross for thinking that" Bec said and I rolled my eyes, swimming over to Luke. 

"Hey babe" he said pulling me into him for a hug and I smiled. 

"Hello Lukey" I said kissing his cheek. One of the good things about dating Luke is that it's never awkward between us even though we were and still are best friends. 

"I hate that nickname" Luke said scrunching his face up and I laughed. 

"Aw why, Lukey?" I said with a grin. 

"I don't know, it just sounds weird". 

"Well I think it's cute". Luke smiled and kissed my lips quickly. 

"When do you start Uni?" Luke asked me.

"Um I think the 20th of this month so a couple of days after we get back" I said and Luke nodded. 

"I'm not going to get to see you everyday" Luke said with a pout. 

"Maybe you can visit me?" I suggested with a wink. 

"I'll come watch you row"Luke said and I laughed. 

"Good luck getting up at 7.30 babe" I said and I swam off. 

Luke's POV =) 

"So I was thinking we could play truth or dare?" Calum suggested as we got back to the shack.

"Yeah sure" Alex said and everyone nodded in agreement. Everyone had showers and dried off and came back down to play the game. 

"Ok I'll start" Ashton said. 

"Of course" Bec said with a grin and Ashton kissed her cheek. 

"Truth or dare, Luke" Ashton said. God damn it. 

"Truth". Going with the safe option. Wrong Hemmings. 

"Are you are virgin?". Why did I choose truth?! 

"Um yes" I said truthfully. 

"Oh ok then" Ashton said and I blushed red. I picked Calum, who picked Bec who picked Adi who picked Alex. 

"Dare" Alex said with a smirk. 

"I dare you to make out with Luke right now". Alex laughed and placed her knees on either side of my body and kissed me. I kissed back and she ran her fingers through my hair and I place my hands on her bum. The kiss deepened again and then we heard a cough. 

"Please control yourselfs" Michael said and we let out a laugh. After the game ended we all headed to bed and I didn't know what to say to Alex. She knew I was a virgin. 

"Luke talk to me please" Alex said rolling over to face me. 

"Do you care that I'm a virgin?" I asked suddenly. 

"No I don't honestly" Alex said kissing my bare collarbone and I sighed. 

"Are you sure?". 

"Luke it doesn't matter ok, do you care that I'm not a virgin?". 

"No" I said. 

"Exactly, so it doesn't matter Luke I promise ok" Alex said and I smiled. 

"Well at least someone is going to know what they are doing" I said and Alex let out a really loud laugh. 

"You are so awkward Luke" she said placing a soft kiss on my lips and shortly after that she fell asleep in my arms. 


shortest chapter ever I'm so sorry :(

how are you all?

Alex's outfit is the external link!


Comment and vote please <3

Lots of love,

~Alex xx

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