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The machine made a noise and a ball shot out of it. Tyler swung his bat as hard as he could and there was a clack sound. The ball hit the top of the net and fell back down onto the floor of the batting cage.

He continued to hit them as they came and he didn't miss a single one. He kept a straight face as he hit one that would've been a home-run. Tyler was good at baseball but he was very humble about it.

Brayden, who was dressed in one of Nick's sweatshirts, walked up to the fencing of the cage with a soda in his hand. "You play?"

Tyler jumped at the sound of his brother's voice. He looked at him with wide eyes. Brayden looked at the bat he still had high in his hands, ready to swing. "Easy there, Tiger." Tyler, who didn't realize what he was doing, lowered it.

"Yeah, I've played since I was five," Tyler answered as he walked over to the machine. He shut it off just as it threw it's last ball. "How did you know where I was?"

"Our bastard of a father told me that you were at the park and that I should join you so my 'worthless ass' isn't bothering him," Brayden said while taking a sip of his drink. "Do you have a glove?"

Tyler unzipped his bag and threw him his old one. Brayden slipped it onto his left hand. Tyler tossed him a ball and arched a brow. "You play too?"

"Used to," Brayden told him while playing catch with himself. "Nicholas and I use to play for the little league when we were around seven. I loved it. And then our father decided that it was time for me to quit."

"That sucks," Tyler said and put his own glove on. "You should join my team, if you still want to play. We're not too shabby but we could use another good player."

"Maybe," Brayden said while thinking about the good times he had while playing baseball. He smiled to himself as he remembered his mother cheering for him when he was in the batter's box.

Tyler and Brayden walked out onto the grass next to the cage and Brayden threw him the ball. Tyler caught it and chucked it back at him. The ball hit Brayden's glove with a loud smack and Brayden laughed.

"Are you trying to kill me?"

"Totally," Tyler said and groaned when the ball that Brayden threw hit his glove twice as hard.

"Just because I don't play anymore doesn't mean I haven't practiced by myself," Brayden said with a smirk.

"Don't you have someone else to hurt?" Tyler pouted jokingly, "Where's your boyfriend?"

"First off, he's not my boyfriend. And he's packing for some trip he's going on," Brayden said, "I guess it's Alex's birthday tomorrow and they're going to this hotel in Los Angeles for a few days."

"Are you worried?"

"About what?"

"What if he meets someone who's better than you?" Tyler taunted. "What if they end up doing the dirty—"

"Shut up. Nicholas wouldn't do that."

"It'll be just you, me, and Connor this week!" Alex squealed into her phone as she packed her clothes into her suitcase. "I already have everything planned and trust me it'll be so much fun!"

"You're too excited for going to another city in our own state," Nick said. Alex huffed.

"I'm excited because one, it's my birthday, and two, I'm spending it with the only two people I can tolerate in this world. And FYI, I couldn't care any less about where it is, as long as we can do whatever the hell we please I'll be happy."

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