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Nicholas pulled into Brayden's driveway and put the car into park.

"Can you stay the night?" Brayden asked quietly. "I don't want to be alone."

Nick looked at him. "I don't know, man... It's late. I told my parents I'd be home." 

"Please?" Brayden said quietly.

Nicholas sighed and took the keys out of the ignition.  Nick opened his door and stepped out while Brayden did as well. They walked up the short driveway.

Brayden took out his house keys and tried to open the front door. He groaned when the keys wouldn't fit into the keyhole. He tried jamming it in, which showed Nick how upset he truly was. Nick grabbed his wrist. Brayden looked up at him through hooded eyes.

"Give me the keys," Nicholas said. Brayden handed him them reluctantly. Nick turned the key the other way around and opened the door.

They walked into the dark house and carefully made their way up the stairs. Brayden clung to Nick for more support. He knew that it wasn't a good idea to drink as much as he did at the party but he did it anyways, not thinking that it would effect him.

Once they made it to his bedroom, Nicholas opened the door, which had a "Keep Out" sign on it. Brayden shuffled past him and laid down onto his bed.

"Bray, you can't fucking sleep in your clothes," Nick sighed. Brayden groaned. Nicholas's phone started to ring just then, so he answered it.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Nick, where are you?" his father questioned. 

"I was going to call you," he said. "I just... I'm staying the night at Brayden's. I'll be home tomorrow, I promise."

"Okay," his father sighed. "Be good. And safe. Brayden has a tendency to...get himself in trouble."

Nicholas ended the call and looked back at Brayden who was already looking at him, watching him intently.

"You're not sleeping in your fucking jeans," Nick told him.

"Then you fucking take them off for me," Brayden mumbled. "M'tired."

Nicholas rolled his eyes. "Fine." He walked over to Brayden and started to unzip his jeans. He pulled them off of his legs. Brayden lifted his arms, signaling for Nick to take off his shirt. Nicholas did, pulling Brayden's shirt off over his head.

Nick dug through his drawers, searching for the joggers Brayden usually slept in. When he found a black pair he faced him. "Are you going to act your age and put these on yourself, or will I have to do this for you too?"

Brayden whined and Nicholas took that as a sign that he would have to do it. He pulled them up his legs and Brayden lifted his body up so Nick could get them over his ass.

"You've always been my savior," Brayden mumbled, "A loyal knight in shining armor." He started to laugh amongst himself. Nicholas would've smiled if they were in a different situation. Instead, he got into bed next to the other boy. "I wouldn't want it to be anyone else. Don't like being saved. It's weird but only you."

Brayden turned onto his side so he was facing the smaller boy with curly hair. He reached up and gently poked his face.

"Do you love me?" He asked, looking into Nicholas's piercing blue eyes. Nick's breath caught in his throat. He felt his cheeks getting warm.

"Of course I do," Nick replied, trying to stay as calm as he could, "You're my best friend."

Brayden smiled faintly and nodded. He started to close his eyes with a small frown etched onto his features.

"Do you love me?" Nicholas asked. Brayden slowly opened his eyes.

"Yes," Brayden mimicked, "You're my best friend." Nicholas nodded and Brayden studied his face.

"What?" Nick asked.

Brayden quickly leaned over, as if he was afraid that he'd change his mind if he waited too long, and planted a kiss against Nick's lips. His kiss was firm, uncomfortable even, and didn't move. He pulled away just as fast as he had kissed him, turning his neck away from the other boy.

"Goodnight," Brayden whispered and closed his eyes. He didn't wait for Nicholas to give him a response -- which the other boy didn't even have to begin with. Brayden turned onto his other side, facing away from him.

Nick laid there, stunned. 

What just happened? Nicholas thought.

"G-goodnight," he stuttered. He turned onto his back, facing the ceiling.


Writers Note:

So excited to write this book. Yaaas.

This book has been inspired by Troye Sivan's Blue Neighborhood music videos. Those actually made me really fucking emotional.

The original cover I made was this

And my favorite person in the world made this cover for me:

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And my favorite person in the world made this cover for me:

And my favorite person in the world made this cover for me:

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Isn't that fucking awesome??

But anyways, I love you all! Please leave a vote and a comment!


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