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Brayden gripped the back of Nicholas' neck as he kissed him. His lips coaxed Nick's lips to part and he bit his bottom lip. Nicholas opened his eyes as Brayden tugged at his lower lip and his brown eyes looked into Nick's blue ones.

Brayden's hands cupped his jaw and he leaned back down. Nick met him halfway and their lips clashed. Their tongues tasted each other and all they saw under their closed eyelids were sparkling galaxies of pure bliss.

Brayden pulled away slowly and leaned his forehead onto the smaller boy's. He kept his eyes closed, as if it was a dream and he was afraid of waking up. "I like you more than I should, Nicholas," he murmured, his hot breath fanning across Nick's face. "And I'm sorry for always screwing up. I'm just so fucking scared."

"Scared of what?" Nicholas asked. He stared at the older boy, waiting for him to respond.

"Of my feelings for you," Brayden admitted quietly. "I'm afraid of the control you have over me. You could ask me to do anything and I'd do it in a heart beat."

Nicholas smiled and planted his lips back against Brayden's. His arms wrapped around Brayden's neck and his fingers ran through the hair on the nape of his neck.

Tyler drove the truck up to the side of the two boys. He rolled down the tinted windows. "Brayden le—" He realized the two friends were kissing and Tyler's eyes widened. "—ts go."

The two parted and Brayden's thumb gently rubbed Nicholas' cheek. "Come on, I'll take you home." His hand grabbed Nick's and they both took a step towards the vehicle. Nicholas stopped and sighed.

"I can't leave Connor," he told the taller boy. Brayden nodded and smiled softly, even though he wanted to let out a groan.

"Text me when you get home, okay?" Brayden said. Nicholas smiled and Brayden gave him a chaste peck on the lips.

Nick started to turn around to go back but Brayden tugged him back into his arms. He wrapped his arms around the smaller boy and Nick hugged him back.

"Tell the guy that was dancing with you to fuck off," Brayden whispered jokingly. "He's lucky I didn't punch him."

Nick chuckled and pulled away. "Don't tell me you're jealous." He smirked and walked backwards to the club, still looking at the other boy.

"I'm not jealous," Brayden said, "I just don't want anyone that's not me to be that close to you." Nicholas rolled his eyes.

Brayden watched as he walked back into the club. Tyler jumped out of the truck and walked to the passenger side. Once Nicholas was inside, Brayden climbed into the driver's seat.

"So, you like Nicholas..."


"And Dad doesn't know..."


"That's why you said don't tell him..."


Brayden put the car into drive and drove them both home.

Brayden and Nicholas Texting Thread

Nick: I'm home

Nick: come over

Bray: whoa at least buy me dinner first

Nick: not like that pervert, just come over

Bray: :( 

Nick: Nvm then! goodnight

Bray: noooo I'm coming I'm getting into my car rn

Nick: no texting while driving

Bray: yes mom

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