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Nicholas crawled to his knees and slowly made his way over to Brayden. The first few seconds were awkward. Neither of them moved further than that. But then Brayden leaned in and captured Nick's lips. Nicholas' lips were soft and feather light as they touched. Brayden's hand reached up and gently grasped the back of Nick's neck, pulling him down lower so he could deepen their kiss.

Nick's fingers gently pulled at Brayden's dark brown hair. After a moment, Brayden got to his knees, not breaking the kiss. He towered over Nicholas and slowly pushed him down onto his back. Nick's hands found their way under Brayden's shirt and they settled on his flanks. Brayden's lips found the smaller boy's neck. He began to kiss and suck on the sensitive skin there.

"Brayden," Nicholas said while stifling a quiet moan. Brayden hummed in response. "Fuck," he muttered. He grabbed Brayden's face and pulled it away from his collarbone. He smashed his lips back against the other boy's.

"Touch me," Brayden whispered into the kiss. Nick nodded while the taller boy's tongue ran across his bottom lip.

Nicholas' hand reached out and pushed Brayden's black pants down to his hips. Nick's fingers curled around Bray's boxers and he pulled them down as well.

"Come here," Brayden breathed out.

"I'm already here."

"Come closer," he whined. Nick lowered himself closer to Brayden's body.

Brayden woke up with a jolt. He looked around, noticing Nick was fast asleep on the floor next to his bed. Brayden ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

It was all a dream.

He gulped and tried to force the memories of his dream to the back of his mind. But when he looked down at his lap, noticing that he had a hard on, he groaned.

Nick made a mumbled sound and stretched. He exhaled loudly and looked up at the boy on the bed. "Good morning, you bastard."

Brayden placed a pillow subtly over his boner and laid back down on his bed. "I feel fuck'n sick."

Nicholas stood up and reached over onto the dresser. He picked up Brayden's cup and held it out to him. "Drink."

"Yes, Mom," Brayden said and took it from his hands. He took a few sips before handing it back to the other boy. "What happened last night?" he questioned while itching the back of his neck.

Nick sighed. "You're not going to be happy with the truth, so can I just lie?"

"Nick," Brayden said sternly.

"Fine, fine." Nick took a deep breath, ready for Brayden to flip shit on him. "You kissed me." He went silent for a few seconds, letting that register in that pretty head of Brayden's. "And you told me what happened at Shelby's party." Nick sat down next to him. Brayden watched the smaller boy as he did so. "And afterwards...you asked me to do some weird shit."

"Like what?"

"You wanted me to kiss you again, and touch you."

"And then what?" Brayden asked. Maybe it wasn't a dream after all.

"And then you passed out. God, you were so drunk last night."

Brayden nodded. "Yeah I was. I mean, why else would I do that, right?" He forced a laugh and Nick weakly smiled back.


(Flashback to Nick's version of the night)

"Nick, I need a favor," Brayden whined. "Please?"

"Yeah, anything, what?"

"Could you please just... kiss me... and touch me. Please?" he whispered desperately. "I need to know..."

"Wait, what? Bray, I don't think–"

"Please Nick, please?" Brayden pleaded. "You know I wouldn't be asking you to do this if I wasn't so confused."

Nicholas sighed and looked down at his own hands. "Brayden, I'm not going to do that–"

"You said you'd do anything!"

"You've had a lot to drink, alright? I'm not going to take advantage of you like that. You might hate me right now for not doing this but trust me, you'll thank me tomorrow when you're sober."

When Nicholas looked back up at his friend, Brayden was already fast asleep. Nick laughed quietly to himself and gently grabbed Brayden's arm. Nicholas patted himself with Brayden's hand.

"Thanks Nick," Nicholas whispered to himself, pretending to be Brayden, "Thanks for always being the one that takes care of me, and the one that puts up with my shit every day."

Nick let him go and grabbed the blanket at the bottom of the bed. He pulled it up over Brayden's body and made sure he wouldn't get cold.

Nick gently patted the boy's back and whispered, "I'll always be here, Bray. Love you."

Nicholas grabbed an extra blanket and pillow before sitting down on the floor. His phone went off, notifying him that Alex had sent him a good night text, like she always did. At first he was confused as to why she was still awake at this time but then he remembered she was at the party all night. He reached over and grabbed it off the table to reply, and then he turned it back off. He smiled brokenly while looking at himself through his phone screen. Nick's smile turned into a frown and a cry escaped his lips. Tears started to drip from his eyes.

It sucked being in love with someone you knew you could never have. Especially when you were so close, and yet so far.

He put his phone away and laid his head down on the pillow. His blanket was up to his shoulders. Nick closed his eyes and soon fell asleep. He dreamt about two little boys that night.

"Nicholas!" A little boy with brown eyes giggled as he ran next to a little boy with blue eyes.

Nicholas laughed and looked over at his friend, "Last one in is a
rotten egg!" Brayden started running faster and so did Nick.

When they reached the end of the deck, they both jumped into the cold lake. Nicholas screamed when the chilly water touched his skin. Brayden was too busy plunging into it to make a noise.

Nick noticed Brayden wasn't coming up so he swam down and grabbed the boy. Nicholas pulled him up and Brayden laughed loudly.

"My hero!"

"That wasn't funny," Nicholas scolded. Brayden just smiled at the other boy. They swam in silence for a few minutes.

"You're my best friend, Nick," Brayden eventually said.

"And you're mine."


"And ever."

They stuck their pinky fingers out and curled them around each other.

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