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The sky was pitch black and crickets chirped softly in the silence. Brayden pulled into Nick's driveway.

The truck idled and the two looked over at each other. Brayden gave him a lazy smirk. "I had fun."

Nicholas smiled. "I did too." Brayden reached over and placed his hand over Nick's, which was on his lap. He rubbed the top of his hand with his thumb.

"Come here," Brayden said and patted his lap. He pushed his chair back, making room in the small vehicle.

Nicholas unbuckled his seatbelt and climbed over the cupholders and shifter. He sat down lightly on Brayden. His elbow bumped into the steering wheel, making the horn honk. Nicholas flushed red and Brayden laughed.

He wrapped his arms around the younger boy's waist. "I love you so much. And I know I always say that, but I mean it." Nicholas grinned fondly at him.

"I like it when you say it," He shrugged and leaned down so their noses were merely bumping. "Because I love you too."

"Yeah?" Brayden teased and pecked him on the lips.

"Mhmm," Nicholas said and his hands gently pressed against Brayden's stubbled cheeks. He connected their lips in a long, warm kiss.

Brayden held him a little tighter and breathed a little faster. His palms fisted at Nick's sweatshirt as their lips maneuvered against each other's.

Brayden's eyes rolled back under his closed eyelids as they kissed. Nicholas' lips sent him into a frenzy, like they always did. Cause' Nick meant everything to him and being with him made Brayden so, so happy.

He could smell the faint smell of Nick's cologne and the scent that was just Nicholas. The smaller boy's arms reached up to wrap around Brayden's neck.

Nick pulled away with a small smile on his face. As he pulled away, Brayden tugged on Nicholas's bottom lip with his teeth. "You want to come in for a while?" Nick asked. He nodded to the empty driveway in front of them. "I don't want to be alone."

It took Brayden a few seconds to realize that Nick had said something. He snapped out of his dazed state. "I want to, but I uh told Ty that I'd help him get ready for this thing tomorrow," Brayden stuttered, scratching the back of his neck.

Nicholas nodded and his playful mood slowly and drastically changed. He knew that Brayden was lying, obviously, but he clearly didn't want to stay. Nick gazed out of the window. "Oh. Alright... I'll see you tomorrow I guess."

He began to climb off of Brayden's lap and the other boy sighed. "If I stay tonight, I don't think that I'd be able to control myself," Brayden announced abruptly.

Nicholas raised an eyebrow at him, stopping all of his movements. "What do you mean?"

Brayden rubbed his face. "I want you."

"And you have me."

Brayden shook his head and took Nick's hand. "I know, Babe, I know that I have you. But that's not what I mean." He placed his hand over his slowly hardening bulge. "I mean that I want you."

"Oh," Nicholas whispered, understanding what he meant.

"Yeah," Brayden said and let go of the younger boy's hand. "And I know you're not ready, nor in the mood. So that's why I think I should go home. I don't want to push anythin—" Nick quickly leaned forward, capturing Brayden's lips into another kiss.

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