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Alex dropped her pencil and she groaned. The teacher looked up from his desk and gave her a warning look. She stared at him with a blank face until he looked away.

"Butterfingers," A boy with black hair and silvery eyes muttered under his breath. Alex looked at him and she saw him look at her in the corner of his eye. A small smirk tugged at the corner of his lips.

She rolled her eyes and leaned down to pick the writing utensil up. Since the boy was sitting across from her, he had no problem reaching it first. He kicked it farther away from her.

Connor bit his bottom lip as he watched his best friend's nostrils flare in frustration. She gave him a quick look and he smiled at her.

"Stop it," She whispered to the boy. Alex glanced at the teacher. He was too busy reading his book to notice her.

Just as she picked the pencil up, he grabbed knocked from her fingers. "Oops, sorry. My bad."

She closed her eyes and forced the brightest smile she could. Alex took a deep breath. "It's fine," She breathed out.

"Is it really?" He asked and bit the end of his pencil. He smiled at her and Connor snickered under his breath.

"Hunter, you now have detention Saturday morning," The teacher said abruptly. The boy, Hunter, nodded, lifted his legs so that they rested on his desk, and laid back in his chair.

"All right, Albert," Hunter said, "Can't wait."

Alex found herself grinning and once she realized it, she blushed. Hunter licked his lips as he watched the old man write him up on a pink slip.

Nicholas threw on a baby blue sweatshirt over his t-shirt. He looked at himself in the mirror and ran a hand threw his long hair, wet hair. He had just taken a shower.

"You need a haircut," Brayden said from the other boy's bed. "Ya look like a wet rat."

Nicholas rolled his eyes and Brayden grinned. He stood up and walked over to the smaller boy. Brayden wrapped his arms around him from behind.

Nick looked at Brayden through the mirror and Bray smiled back at him with a sweet smile.

"But you're my wet rat," He teased. Nicholas turned his head to glance at him and Brayden pecked him on the lips.

"Thank you, it really means a lot," Nicholas said back in the same tone Brayden had used.

There was a sudden beeping noise and Brayden cursed under his breath. He dug into his pocket and pulled out his phone.

He looked down at the phone with furrowed eyebrows. Nicholas stuffed his hands into his pocket and gave himself one last glance in the mirror. He looked at the taller boy with a confused look.

"What is it?"

"Uh...mm..." Brayden typed onto the screen and then shoved the device back into his back pocket. "Nothing. It's all good."

Nicholas hesitated but nodded nonetheless. He trusted Brayden with all of his heart.

"You ready to go?" Bray asked and Nick gave him the thumbs up.

As they walked out of Nicholas's bedroom, Brayden gave his ass a gentle slap. Nick slightly jumped and Bray laughed.

Unknown Number: Watch your back

The bell rang and everyone stood up from their seats. Alex grabbed her purse and Connor placed his arm on her shoulder. "See? That wasn't so bad."

Alex laughed. "I was two seconds away from gouging my eyes out with my pencil. If that's not bad then I don't know what is."

Connor rolled his eyes, stifling a laugh.  "Where are we going now?" He asked.

Alex's eyes glanced to where Hunter was. He was looking at her over his shoulder as he walked out of the classroom.

"Uh..." She mumbled. "Wanna go to the mall?"

"We were just there with Nick," Connor pouted. The two began to walk out of the room as well.

"But everything's on clearance now!" She exclaimed. "Con, please." Alex batted her lashes and Connor smirked.


"Yay!" She chirped.

He raised a brow at her. "Mind telling me why you're so annoyingly happy?" He inquired.

"Nope," Alex replied, popping the 'p'.

When Brayden had said date, Nicholas had instantly thought of going to a fancy restaurant and having an awkward dinner. But when Brayden pulled up to an arcade just about on the outskirts of town, his tense muscles started to relax.

"An arcade?" Nicholas said, a smile tugging at his lips.

"Mhmm," Brayden replied and turned off his car. He glanced at Nicholas who was looking at him. "What?"

Nick shook his head, his smile growing bigger. "I just love you," He said

"I wasn't going to drag you through an awkward dinner or anything. I wanted to do something that we'd both enjoy," Brayden told him. Nick nodded, his smile now from ear to ear, and Brayden pressed a soft kiss to his boyfriend's head.

Nicholas closed his eyes at the contact and his breathing calmed. Brayden always knew exactly what to do and say.

Brayden started to pull away. "Well, you ready to g–"

Nicholas gripped his shirt and Brayden looked at him with a concerned look. Nick pulled himself closer and then wrapped his arms around the older boy's neck. Brayden instantly understood and he hugged him back.

Nicholas' head laid against the crook of his neck, his soft breathing tickling Brayden a little. "Thank you," He whispered.

"For what?" Brayden asked, pecking the top of his head with another kiss.

"For being there, for this, for everything," Nicholas said against his neck. Brayden made unknown shapes on his back with his thumbs with a sad smile on his lips.

Brayden pulled back to look at Nick. He noticed that Nicholas was starting to get teary. "Baby, please don't cry," Brayden murmured before pressing kisses on his eyelids and his cheeks. "I'll always be there for you from now on. I promise." His lips met with Nick's and they chastely kissed. "I love you."

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