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Brayden gently closed and locked the door behind him with Nicholas still wrapped around his waist. He walked over to the other boy's bed and let him drop onto it.

Nick laid back onto the mattress and Brayden hovered over him. Brayden slowly stroked Nick's jaw with his thumb while looking into his icy blue eyes.

"What are you doing to me?" He whispered and his eyebrows furrowed slightly. Nick gazed up at him in response.

Brayden leaned down and captured the smaller boy's lips with his. Nicholas reached up and placed his hands firmly against Brayden's newly stubbled cheeks. Brayden smiled lazily into the kiss and continued to move his mouth against the other boy's.

Nicholas moved his body upwards, signaling that he wanted to reposition himself. Not breaking the kiss, Brayden slowly rolled onto his back. Nick followed him and sat on his lap.

He pulled their lips away and Brayden frowned. He began to speak but Nicholas placed a finger against his lips, signaling for him to hush. Brayden complied and stayed quiet.

"I need to say something," Nicholas admitted, "And I know you're not...that you don't..." He sighed and closed his eyes. Brayden waited and stayed silent while he did. He noticed how vulnerable Nicholas looked. "I love you." Nick bit at his bottom lip harshly while staring into Brayden's unresponsive eyes.

"I don't want you to say it back," Nicholas said quietly, "Especially if you don't mean it..." He paused. "I just needed to say it. I needed you to hear it."

It didn't upset Nick when Brayden leaned up to kiss him instead of responding with words. Nicholas was content at knowing that Brayden knew and that's all that mattered in that moment.

Brayden's hands slipped under Nick's shirt and the smaller boy flinched at his cold skin. Bray's hands didn't stay still, they were all over him. His hands slowly grazed his flanks, up to his chest, and over his shoulders. Nicholas let go of Brayden's face and grabbed the hem of his shirt. Brayden helped him pull the piece of clothing off of his body and over his head.

Brayden took his own off and Nicholas placed his hands on his chest. Brayden closed his eyes as Nick leaned down to suck at the sensitive skin under his ear.

"I missed you," Brayden said with a quiet moan. Nicholas smirked and peppered kisses along Brayden's defined jawline. "It's so lonely here without you." Nicholas placed a searing kiss to his lips and then on the underside of his chin. His mouth connected with Brayden's collar bone and Brayden moved his hands into Nicholas's hair.

Nick placed kisses down his sternum slowly and sensually. His tongue slipped past his lips every-so-often and he licked at the older boy's skin. 

Bray opened his eyes slightly and watched as Nicholas made his way down to the thin trail of hairs under his navel. Nick looked up at the brown–eyed boy as if silently asking his permission to continue.

Brayden nodded and closed his eyes once again. Nicholas unbuttoned his pants slowly. His blue eyes never left Brayden's face. Even though he had nodded for him to keep going, Nick wanted to make sure that was what he really wanted.

Bray heard, rather than felt, Nicholas unzipping his jeans. A small smile pulled at the corners of his lips when Nick eagerly tugged them down his legs.

Nicholas wrapped his fingers around the elastic band of his boxers. "This is my first time...you know," He admitted and blushed.

"Come here," Bray said, motioning for him to come closer. Nicholas moved so that their faces were merely an inch away. His legs were on both sides of Brayden's body and his arms were by his head.

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