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"You guys did what?" Alex choked on her water. Nicholas glared at Connor, who had just told Alex that he and Brayden "did the deed."

"We did not," Nick said. "We just...hung out, like we always do." Connor rolled his eyes as they walked over to the bleachers full of people.

"Oh please, if he spent the night, you guys obviously did something," Connor commented. Nicholas shook his head and tried his hardest not to blush.

He looked at the scoreboard and noticed that the baseball game was only in its third inning. Nick found an empty spot on the bleachers and the other two followed him up to it. But what he didn't realize was that his spot was next to Shelby and her friends. Alex glared at the Shelby as she gave Nicholas a dirty look.

"What are you looking at," Shelby said, her eyes snapping in Alex's direction.

"A fucking thot, that's what I'm looking at," Alex sneered. Shelby rolled her eyes and her clique took a bold step towards Alex and the two boys.

Connor pulled her back slightly. "Alex, she's not worth it," He told her. As if Shelby just noticed him, her eyes widened and a laugh slipped from her lips.

"Connor, how's business downstairs?" she snickered.

"Ask your dad," he quipped. "I mean, it was him riding it last night, so..."

Shelby gave him a disgusted look and muttered, "Gross bitch."

"Asshole," Nicholas replied for him.

Shelby looked at him with pure hatred in her eyes. She poked his chest a little to hard. "Listen you little twat, Brayden might be your friend but he loves me. You're just simply an obstacle, a thing in the way."

Alex laughed loudly and everyone looked at her. "So this is what it's all about? Brayden? Ha!" She continued to laugh. "Brayden doesn't love you. It's actually quite funny, though, that you think that."

"Well I know he doesn't love him," Shelby sneered. She leaned in to whisper into Nick's ear. "Yeah, I know about your petty little crush on my boyfriend. It's never going to happen."

She signaled for her friends to follow her as she began to walk off of the bleachers.

"What are you talking about?" he yelled to her. She smirked and winked at him.

"Eventually you'll know. Monday," Was her response, "At school."

Nick and Alex looked at each other.

"I'm sure it's nothing," Connor said. "She's just trying to get you riled up."

"Yeah," Nicholas muttered, "But for what?"

Brayden was up to bat and he was a little anxious. He walked up to the plate with confidence nonetheless.

He saw Nicholas and Shelby going at each other. He knew Nick would never out him but he was still nervous. Shelby did know how to get on people's nerves and pry for information.

The pitcher started to do his windup and Brayden wasn't paying attention. The ball flew out of his hand and right past Brayden, into the catchers glove. "Strike!" The Umpire yelled.

Brayden stepped out of the batters box, shook himself out of his funk and looked over at Haze, who was on third base, ready to run home. Haze nodded at him and Brayden blew out a long breath. The catcher threw the ball back to the pitcher.

Brayden noticed Nicholas in the corner of his eye. He was on the top of the bleachers watching him intently. Brayden smirked and then stepped back up to the plate. He gripped his bat a little firmer and bent his knees.

The pitch came and he swung his arms at full speed. His left cleat dug into the dirt and all he heard was the sound of the ball connecting with his bat.

Brayden took off sprinting to first base. The crowd was screaming and he heard Tyler yell home-run. Brayden rounded first and sprinted to second. He hopped off of the bag and ran to third. When he reached home, he walked into the dugout with a smug grin on his face. His teammates clapped him on the back as he drank from his water bottle.

"That was the farthest homer I've ever seen you hit," DBag said, his mouth agape.

Freddie walked by and grabbed his catchers gear. He gave Brayden a smirk. "It's my time to shine," he said mischievously. He quickly put on his gear and ran out to his position.

"Ahhhh! Faker!" The team yelled and Freddie banged on his chest like an ape. The other team gave him dirty looks and they all snickered.

Haze grabbed her glove and hit Tyler on the head with it as she walked past him. He smiled at her and she gave him a quick glance over her shoulder. Brayden patted his brother on the shoulder and followed him out of the dugout with his glove.

"She seems happy again."

"Yeah," Tyler said quietly. "Gave her, her lineup back. It was stupid of me anyways."

"No," Brayden said, "Wasn't stupid. You love her."

Brayden walked out to third base, where Ash told him. Kaleb had agreed to sharing the position with him.

The rest of the team, except for the three that were in the dugout that inning, filled in the positions and the other team's batter walked out with a grin.

Everyone looked at Freddie, who smirked and then put on his catchers mask. He hit his fist against it and then got into his crouching position.

Poor kid, Brayden thought, Doesn't know what he's getting into.

At the end of the game, Brayden searched for Nicholas in the crowd. He ran into a lot of people he recognized from school. He accidentally ran into Daniel, who just deviously grinned at him and walked away.

Brayden finally found Nick, who was in between Alex and Connor as they walked. He tapped him on the shoulder and Nicholas turned around to face him.

"Congrats on winning," Nicholas said.

Brayden smiled. "Thanks."

Alex twirled her finger in a strand if her hair. "Who's that?" She asked and nodded towards Ash.

"That's Ashton, he's one of our first basemen and kinda our coach," he told her. "Why?"

"He's cute," she simply said while continuing to stare at him.

"Keeping staring," Connor taunted, "Maybe he'll eventually look at your flat ass." The two started arguing but Nick and Brayden blocked it out.

"We're gonna go get something to eat so I was wondering if you wanna come with us?" Nicholas asked him. He saw Tyler approaching them and he told Brayden that Ty could go as well. He agreed.

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