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Brayden: Nick?

Nicholas: Yes?

Brayden: Are you okay?

Nicholas: Do you want to hear the truth or do you want to hear the reassuring lie

Brayden: Nicholas...

Nicholas: I'm fine, okay?


Nicholas:  I told my Mom about what happened

Brayden: oh

Nicholas: and i told her that I'm gay.

Nicholas: I'm pretty sure she told my Dad

Brayden: What did she say?

Nicholas: Nothing really. But she accepted me

Brayden: Did you tell her about us?

Nicholas: No


Nicholas: Brayden?

Brayden: Yeah?

Nicholas: Can you come over? :(

Brayden: i'll be there in a few

Nicholas laid down on the couch and closed his eyes. He let out a tired sigh and curled into a pillow.

It was around noon and his parents weren't home yet. They were just getting out of work.

Nicholas wanted to be alone, but at the same time he didn't. That's half of the reason why he invited Brayden over. The other reason was that he knew that seeing him would make him feel a little better.

The front door opened and Nicholas looked up. Brayden smiled at him as he shut the door and toed off his shoes.

He walked into the living-room and before Nicholas could sit up, Brayden laid on top of him.

Nicholas groaned and Brayden kissed his forehead. Nick's arms slowly reached up and wrapped around the other boy's hovering body,

"I love you," Brayden told him. Nicholas smiled faintly. "I really do, Nick." Brayden pecked him on the lips and stroked his bottom lip with his thumb. "And I hate to see you like this." Nicholas leaned up for another kiss to silence him.

When they kissed it seemed like all their worries were gone in that moment. They made it last as long as they could.

Brayden deepened the kiss by latching his hand into Nick's hair and firmly pressing his lips against the younger boy's. Nicholas pulled him down so that they were chest against chest.

Their noses bumped and they smiled into the kiss every few seconds. Their teeth bit and their tongues licked at the other's bottom lip.

The door suddenly opened and Mr. Holland walked into the house with a coffee in his hand. "Nick!" Justin yelled, "I'm ho—"

The two boys pulled away quickly and Mr. Holland jumped, startled. It was obvious to tell that the two boys were just making out. "Hi, Brayden," He said with a tight smile.

Brayden itched the back of his neck. "Hi, Mr. Holland. How...are you?"

"Just peachy," Justin said with a nod. He looked at his son. "Mom'll be home in five minutes." Nick nodded and Justin walked into the kitchen.

"Well..." Brayden whispered, "That was very awkward."

For the first time in days, Nicholas laughed aloud, showing all his white teeth.

"Hey, that's not funny!" Brayden protested with a laugh as well. Nicholas continued to chuckle. "Fuck you!" Brayden said and began to tickle him. As he tickled Nick he kissed up and down his face.

"Maybe later!" Nicholas managed to say through his laughter and wheezing. Brayden smiled.

"I can't, because I'm taking you on a date later."

Brayden's tickling stopped suddenly and Nicholas caught his breath before looking at the older boy with an odd look.


"Me. You. Date. Tonight. Around five o'clock."

"Brayden, I can't. We can't—"

"Shhh," Brayden whispered and he placed a finger against Nick' lips. "No one will see us there. I promise."

"Okay..." Nicholas hesitantly said. Brayden smiled and connected their lips for one last kiss.

Alex and Connor walked into detention. Her face was set hard and no one dared to look at her as she entered. Connor followed behind her but he was calm.

She sat down in an empty seat and placed her purse on the floor next to her chair. A kid with glasses and curly hair looked at her and she glared at him. He quickly looked away.

"Jesus Alex, calm down," Connor whispered to her just as the teacher entered.

Alex rolled her eyes and watched as the old man wrote DETENTION on the blackboard with white chalk. He clapped his hands together a few times to get the residue off after he was finished writing.

"Some of you aren't here on a daily basis so I guess I'll explain how detention works," He said, his voice hoarse and grumbly. "You will sit here for thirty minutes in pure silence. If I hear you talk, I'll arrange another day of lunch detention for you. You may not go to the bathroom, you may not get up. You may not go to sleep, and you may not be on your phones. Speaking of which, I want you all to pass them up."

Everyone sighed and dug into their pockets. Alex watched as they all pulled out their phones. Connor nudged her and with a deep, frustrated sigh, she took hers out as well.

"This is going to be hell," She muttered.

Writers Note:

Idk what to say.

Hello, how've you been?

Fantastic? Thats good.

Oh me? I'm fine, thanks for asking.

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