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After washing the dishes, Nicholas told Brayden he was going to take a shower. Brayden nodded and sat down in the chair by the table. Nicholas jogged up the stairs and once he reached the room he closed the bathroom door behind him.

Brayden reached over and grabbed a Pop-Tart out of its box. He tore the package open and took a bite. He heard the faint sound of he shower running.

The more he thought about Nicholas taking a shower, the more he wanted to join him. After a few minutes of contemplating whether or not to do it, he stood up. He threw away the Pop-Tart wrapper on his way out of the kitchen.

Brayden quickly went up the stairs and hesitantly knocked on the bathroom door. Nicholas was in the process of washing his hair. He quickly rinsed some of the suds off and yelled out, "Yeah?"

"Can I come in?" Brayden asked.

Nicholas blushed faintly and bit back a smirk. "For what?" Nick asked, even though he already knew the answer to his question. Nick just liked hearing Brayden's voice.

"To join you," Brayden said and he flushed red. He rolled his eyes at himself for sounding so whipped.

"Yeah, come in," Nicholas said and tried his hardest to keep a calm face. Brayden nodded and then rolled his eyes again once he remembered that Nick couldn't see him.

He opened the door and gently closed it behind him. He locked it, even though no one else was home. Brayden was instantly hit with hot, humid air. He unbuttoned his jeans and unzipped them. He could see the outline of Nicholas on the other side of the shower's glass door and smirked.

Brayden pulled his t-shirt over his head and threw it into the pile of clothes in the corner of the bathroom. Once he was naked, he opened the shower door and stepped into the warm spray of water.

Nicholas looked over his shoulder and stared at his best friend. Brayden wiped the water out of his eyes and looked back at him.

Nicholas was so fucking beautiful. Water trickled off of his bare form and his blue eyes were glossed over. His lips looked red and puffy and his cheeks were flushed with a warm pink color. There were still soapy suds in his hair and on his shoulders.

"I love you," Brayden said loud enough to hear over the sound of the water.

Nicholas felt his heart falter and he smiled softly. Brayden reached out to him and wrapped his arms around his neck. Nicholas leaned upwards and kissed him. Brayden opened his mouth and let the other boy take control.

Nick pushed him against the wall and placed his palms against Brayden's stubbled cheeks. His tongue dipped into the older boy's mouth and Brayden let out an uneasy breath through his nose.

Nicholas cupped his hardening erection and Brayden moaned. He leaned down and kissed Nick's neck. "What are we?" Nicholas asked as the other boy tenderly kissed his sensitive skin.

"Friends," Brayden said with a gasp as Nick started to jerk him off. "Best friends."

"Friends don't say I love you like we do and friends don't do this with each other," Nicholas told him and then paused. "I couldn't imagine doing this with Alex or Connor, and they're my best friends too."

"Then let's be more," Brayden said, kissing Nick's collar bone. "Be my boyfriend." Nicholas smiled and Brayden captured his lips into a kiss.

And they continued to kiss until it got more rushed and needy. Brayden kissed his way down Nick's chest and stomach as he got down on his knees. He pressed the smaller boy against the wall, where he was a few moments before.

Brayden kissed the underside of Nicholas's dick softly and licked at the tip. Nick sighed in pleasure and gasped loudly as his boyfriend took him into his mouth. The feeling sent him into an ecstatic state of mind.

Nick's hands went into Brayden's hair and he lightly tugged on his brown locks. Brayden gripped his hips firmly and took him in deeper.

"Fuck," Nicholas moaned loudly.

"Soon," Was Brayden's reply. Nick smirked lazily and Brayden did too.

Tyler: Where are you

Tyler: Our first game is today and you're part of the team, remember?

Brayden: Sorry I'm at Nick's, when does the game start

Tyler: In thirty minutes! Get your ass to the field!

Brayden: Fuck.

Brayden: I'll be there in ten

Brayden looked up at Nicholas, who was getting dressed. He stood up from the boy's bed and gave him a hug from behind. "I gotta go," He told him.

"Why?" Nicholas pouted and faced him. Brayden wiped a stray hair out of his eyes and smiled down at him. He placed a kiss on his still kiss swollen lips.

"I have a game in half an hour," Brayden told him and zipped his jeans. "Promise me you'll stop by?"

Nicholas nodded. "I'll try, if Alex let's me. We were gonna go to the mall."

"Stop by afterwards," He suggested.

Brayden kissed him once more. "I love you," He said against the smaller boy's lips. God, he loved saying those words to him. And Nicholas loved hearing it.

"I love you too."

Brayden left Nick's room and jogged down the stairs. He quickly put on his shoes and walked out the front door, closing it behind him.

He got into his truck and drove straight to the park.

Writers Note:

Hey sexy mama let me whisper in ya DICK

Okay that was weird and uncalled for....so basically me

I realized some weird shit while writing this today for the first time. Nicholas and Brayden are the names of two fuckboys in my school who are best friends oml
And Alex and Connor are the names of my little cousins.
I didnt plan this and now I'm just like....oooh fucking hell

Ugh what have I done. Imma call them Scoot, Eye Sac, Styles and Lilac now okay bye

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