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"I need to say something," Nicholas admitted, "And I know you're not...that you don't..." He sighed and closed his eyes. Brayden waited and stayed silent while he did. "I love you."

Brayden tried his best to stay calm even though he was everything but. His heart was racing, thumping against his ribcage at a speed that he had never felt before. His mind was going insane, thinking about everything at one.

I love you, He thought. I love you, I love you, I love you, Nicholas. The words were clawing at his throat but weren't coming out of his mouth.

Why can't I say it? Brayden asked himself.

"I don't want you to say it back," Nicholas said quietly, "Especially if you don't mean it..." He paused. "I just needed to say it. I needed you to hear it."

But I do mean it, Nick. I love you so fucking much.

And then their lips were against each other's again, like Nicholas really didn't want a response. But Nick was happy and that's all that mattered to him.

I love you, He thought again.

Those words rang in his head for the rest of the night.

Writers Note:

This obviously wasn't a chapter.

I just wanted to show you guys what was running through Brayden's mind since I'm always writing about whats in Nicholas' mind.

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