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Nicholas woke up to his alarm going off in his left ear. He lifted his head off of his pillow and groaned. He opened his eyes slowly and found his phone. He grabbed it off of his dresser and turned the alarm off.

He sat up and looked over at the blonde laying on her stomach next to him. He smiled and tucked a stray curl behind her ear. Alex grumbled under her breath and rolled onto the other boy next to her. Connor let out a yelp and he curled into a ball. Alex had accidentally elbowed him. 

"Come on, guys," Nicholas mumbled and rubbed his eyes. "School starts in a thirty."

Alex sat up quickly and pulled a lock of her hair out of her mouth. "Thirty?" She exclaimed, "That's how long it takes just to do my hair!" She crawled out of the bed and sprinted to his bathroom.

Connor rolled over and opened an eye to look at Nick. "Well, she's not coming out of there any time soon."

"Trust me, I know."

As soon as he walked in, Nick knew something was wrong. The three walked through the front doors of the school and everyone turned towards them. All eyes met his and he gulped. Shelby and her friends were down the corridor, mischievously grinning at him.

The hallway was silent and still, well, until Daniel stood up straight from leaning onto the lockers. All heads turned towards him and they watched as he walked over to Nicholas.

"Well look at who it is, everyone!" Daniel yelled. There were whispers. "Nicholas Holland! The closeted gay!"

There were giggles and people pointing at him as they laughed. Nicholas took a step back and felt sick to his stomach.

"Fuck off," Alex sneered.

"Leave him the fuck alone, Daniel," Connor said.

"Shut up, gay boy," Daniel spat. He turned his head back at Nicholas and snickered. Daniel shook his head. "What would Brayden say if he found out that his best friend was in love with him?"

"Stop..." Nick choked out. He looked around and everyone was staring attentively at them. "...please."

Alex began to walk towards him but Shelby grabbed her, pushing her up against the lockers. Daniel's friend, Jayme, did the same to Connor.

"I wasn't really surprised when I found about you, Holland," he continued, "None of us were."

Brayden walked out of the bathroom and wiped his hands on his jeans. A few of the boys from the baseball team ran up to him with worry written all over their faces.

"Brayden, there's a fucking fight in the main hall!" Kaleb said.

"Daniel's calling out this kid for being gay," Freddie said, "Sammy said it's getting pretty heated."

"I feel bad for the poor kid," Ashton said. "Sammy said he looked like he was going to get sick."

Brayden raised his eyebrows and his breathing started to get heavy. Tyler ran up to them with his hand holding Haze's, to Brayden's surprise.

Freddie smiled wide. "Hey, you two are—"

"It's Nick," he panted, "And Daniel..."

Brayden lost it. He broke off into a sprint and ran to the other side of the high school without stopping to catch his breath.

Daniel pushed Nicholas onto the floor. "You're pathetic, Holland."

"Get off of me, you bitch!" Alex yelled and tried to flail her arms.

Brayden pushed past people who formed a circle around the scene. They all cursed at him but he ignored it.

"Look who decided to show up," Daniel said with a grin. "Brayden, how've ya been?"

Nicholas stood to his feet slowly but Daniel pushed him back down. "Who said you could get up?"

Brayden curled his fingers and smashed his fist against Daniel's face. Daniel was caught off guard and stumbled backwards. Brayden stepped in front of him and punched him again. Daniel fell down onto his ass.

Brayden repeatedly hit him until blood gushed out of his nose. Daniel laughed and spit blood into his face. "I got it all wrong, didn't I?" He cackled, loud enough for everyone to hear, "You're gay too! I mean, why else would you be protecting your boyfriend?"

Daniel flipped them over and started pounding his fists into Brayden's face. Brayden grabbed one of them and twisted his wrist. He groaned in pain and Brayden got a few more punches in.

"What in hell is going on here?" Mr. Hensburn, the Principal, exclaimed as he stormed up the hallway. All the students surrounding the scene walked away.

Shelby and Jayme let go of Alex and Connor before scurrying away with the crowd. Alex ran over to Nicholas and Connor helped him up.

The two boys fighting on the floor were pulled apart by the school's deputy.

Nicholas ran out of the school and Alex started to go after him. Connor held her back, though, and shook his head. "Let him go."

"But he needs us—"

"Look, I've been through this more times than I can count, Alex," He told her. "Right now, the only thing Nick needs is to be left alone."

As the crowd cleared, the two noticed Tasia walking towards them with tears streaming down her face. "I didn't mean it," she cried.

Alex narrowed her eyes at her sister. "What are you talking about?"

"It slipped out," she sobbed, "It was an accident!"

Connor looked at her with stern eyes. "Tasia, what did you do?"

The deputy put handcuffs on Brayden and Daniel. She escorted the two to the Principal's office.

"I told Daniel about Nicholas."

Nicholas walked into the woods and emptied himself of the contents that were forcing their way up. He coughed and grunted and felt utterly horrible. When he was finished, he wiped his mouth and sighed.

Don't cry, He thought, You're stronger than this, Holland, come on.  Come on.

A guttural sob broke free from his throat and the tears followed a few seconds later. His hands went to his face and then into his hair. Nicholas began to feel dizzy and there was nowhere to sit. He simply sat down on ground. The leaves crackled as he sat down on them and cried.

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