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Alex laughed as she leaned onto the bar. Nicholas thanked the bartender and took a sip of his beer. They both watched as men danced to the erotic beat of the music.

Yellow and green and pink lights flashed everywhere throughout the club. With the alcohol coursing through his veins, the whole scene looked magical to him.

Guys passed Nicholas as he talked to Alex. They would give him a smirk and a wink as they continued walking by. Alex would complain about how they were all hot and it wasn't fair.

"Where'd you get those ID's anyways?" He said over the loud music. Alex smirked and sipped her pink spiked drink.

"I know a guy," She winked. Nicholas made a face and she laughed.

His phone buzzed and he took it out. It was a text from Brayden. As he began putting it back into his pocket it buzzed again, and again, and again.

Alex, who couldn't hear anything except for the music, continued to watch the men on stage strip. She would laugh and make comments every few minutes. Nicholas began to type furiously and only then did Alex realize he was on his phone.

"Put that away, you're missing the best part!" She whined.

"Hold on–"

Alex grabbed his phone from him and texted Brayden back. She stuffed the phone into her purse and looked up at her best friend. He rolled his eyes and took another sip.

"Go have fun," She told him and he smiled.

"I am...with you."

"I know what you're doing, you're stalling. Go," She pushed him with her hands and he stumbled over his own feet.

Someone caught him and he looked up at who it was. "Connor?" He asked.

Connor smiled and laughed. "Hey, what are you guys doing here?"

A few hours later

Brayden knocked on the Hollands' front door. He stuffed his hands into his pocket as he waited. Mrs. Holland came a few seconds later and swung it open. She smiled at the boy.

"Hey Brayden," She said. "Nicholas isn't here right now, but he should be coming home soon, since it's a school night." Brayden nodded. "You're welcome to wait in his room if you'd like?"

"Thanks," Brayden said as he walked into the house. Mrs. Holland closed the door and turned to face him.

"I just finished making dinner, so if you're hungry you can help yourself, okay?" She said and Brayden smiled while shaking his head.

"I ate before I came but thank you," He said.

Mrs. Holland nodded and walked back into the kitchen. Brayden jogged up the stairs and walked into Nicholas' room.

He sat down on Nick's bed and grabbed his phone out of his pocket. Nick never texted back. He sighed and laid back onto the pillows.

Alex drove them both back to her house when they both sobered up. They both only had one drink so it wasn't a long wait.

He got into his own car and waved his friend goodbye. She smiled and waved back and motioned to her phone. She mouthed text me and he nodded.

He put his phone on the passenger seat and buckled himself into his seat. He turned his car on and backed out of Alex's driveway.

He drove home and arrived there at about nine thirty. He knew his parents wouldn't have a stroke because it was still early. He got out of his car and locked it.

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