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"Brayden?" A small voice said from the door.

Brayden didn't bother opening his eyes. He curled into his blanket and continued to make it look like he was sleeping.

He didn't bother getting up that morning for school or the day before. He had been in his bed for two days straight, only getting up to get food, shower, or go to the bathroom. Brayden knew he screwed shit up with Nicholas, for the second time that week, so he didn't feel like going to school and facing him. Brayden knew his brother and father was downstairs so he didn't feel like leaving his bedroom.

"My mother use to pretend to sleep," Tyler said, "So it's easy for me to realize when you are as well." At that, Brayden opened one eye.

"Leave me alone Terry, or whatever the hell your name is," he groaned and stuffed his face into a pillow. Tyler crossed his arms and leaned onto the doorframe. He was amused by his half brother.

Brayden realized that Tyler wasn't leaving so he sat up in his bed. "Do you fucking need something?"

"I'm sorry," Tyler apologized, looking Brayden in the face. When Brayden grumbled out a for what? Tyler continued. "For intruding. It wasn't my intentions." He sighed and ran a hand through his dark hair. "I remember being told that my father had tragically died in a car accident, a year after I was born. That's what I believed growing up. Now, learning that my father has been alive for all these years... it's confusing, to be honest."

There was a pause before Brayden responded. "If you stay here long enough," Brayden said, looking at the stitching on his blanket, "You're going to wish that he really was dead." 

Nick dug around in his closet, looking for a decent shirt to wear. He found a blue polo which looked decent and he put it on. He sighed when he realized it was too big on him.

He eventually went with a plain white t-shirt and his usual black skinny jeans. He grabbed his fake ID off of his dresser, which was hidden from his parent's view.

Nicholas left his room and jogged down the stairs. His parents were in the living-room. His mother was reading a book and his father was watching college football.

He laughed when he heard his father screaming and groaning at the television. "You know they can't hear you, right?" Nick said, walking into the room. His father laughed but never took his eyes off of the screen.

"My friend Connor's picking me up in a few minutes," Nicholas told his mother, "I'll be back before ten, okay?"

"Nine-thirty," she said while taking her reading glasses off to look at him. "You have school tomorrow." Nicholas nodded and mumbled an okay before kissing her goodbye on the cheek. She smiled and returned to her book.

Nick walked over to the front door and put his converse on. By the time he had them on and tied, Connor was pulling into his driveway. Nicholas waved his parents goodbye and he heard them both say "Be Safe!" in return. He closed the door behind him.

Connor reached over his cupholders and opened the door for his friend. Nick thanked him and got in. Connor buckled himself back in and Nick did the same.

"He can't be that bad," Tyler said.

Brayden laughed and laid onto his back. "He seems like a saint now but give him a few days. He'll turn on you, treat you like the dirt on his shoes, and use you when he needs you. I've lived with him for eighteen years, I'm pretty sure I know what he's like by now."

"If what you're saying is true, why haven't you left? You're eighteen now, you can leave if you want," Tyler asked.

"Where would I go?" Brayden replied, "My mother's dead, my father cut off all ties with the rest of my family, I screwed everything up with my best friend–"

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