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Nicholas got into the driver's seat as Alex raced Connor to the passenger seat. Connor ended up winning and Alex pouted. He smirked and shook his head. She sighed and climbed into the back.

"Oh, fuck, I forgot," Connor muttered to himself and reached into the back to grab his shopping back. He dug around in it until he pulled out a blue bottle and a blue box. "I bought these for you." Connor grinned as he waved the items in Nick's face.

Nicholas rolled his eyes and Alex began to laugh. "Shut up, Connor," He groaned. Connor put the condoms and lube into Nick's glove compartment and smiled.

"I'm just trying to keep my best friend safe," Connor replied. "And less....sore."

"Have I ever told you that I hate you?" Nicholas asked as he drove out of the baseball field's parking lot.

"Multiple times," Connor answered.

Brayden pulled into the Diner's parking lot and parked next to Nick's car. Tyler got out and Brayden quickly changed out of his cleats. He tied the laces of his converse and hopped out of the vehicle.

He slammed his door shut and locked it before entering the small building. Nicholas and Alex were already sitting at a booth. Connor walked out of the bathroom and walked over to them all. Brayden sat down next to Nicholas and Tyler on the other side of Brayden. 

Brayden placed his hand on Nick's leg and gave it a gentle squeeze. Nicholas placed his hand on top of his and intertwined their fingers. Brayden smiled to himself as Nicholas acted like he wasn't doing anything.

"You gotta try the burgers here," Connor told Tyler, and the two started talking. Alex joined in but Brayden and Nick were in their own bubble.

Brayden lazily drew circles against the top of his hand and Nick softly smiled as he looked down at the menu. Brayden sneakily leaned in near the other boys ear. "I love you," He whispered. He grinned as he saw Nick's cheeks turn a pink color.

He loved the way Nicholas's body reacted to his words and actions. The little hairs on his arm would stand straight and goosebumps would erupt all over his body. His skin, mostly his face, would flush and a smile would spread across his full, pink lips.

The waitress came by and took their orders. They all ordered burgers. She left and about seven minutes later she came back with their food on a tray.

As she passed the burgers out, Brayden's phone rang. Everyone glanced at him and he apologized.

"Sorry, it's my Dad."

Tyler got out of his seat to let Brayden stand up. He answered the call and put the phone to his ear as he walked out of the building.

Nicholas watched as Brayden stood outside, talking into the phone with his eyes slightly narrowed. His jaw was clenched and Nicholas sighed.

"I'm getting something to eat with Tyler and some friends," Brayden told him.

"Where were you last night?" Jordan angrily asked.

"Last night, I told you that I was going to Nick's, remember?"

Mr. Archer grumbled under his breath. "Get your ass home, and bring Tyler. You got things to do." With that, Jordan hung up.

Brayden gripped his phone tight and pressed his palm against his forehead. He sighed deeply and stuffed his phone back into his pocket.

Nicholas watched as Brayden came back inside with a hard look in his eyes. "We need to go," He told Tyler. Brayden looked at Nicholas. "I'm sorry."

The waitress came back with a few straws for their drinks and Tyler asked for a box to put his burger in. Brayden asked for one too and she nodded.

Brayden dug into his pocket and pulled out a twenty. He handed it to Nick. Nicholas shook his head as if telling him it was fine, he didn't need to pay. But Brayden put it on the table anyways.

"I'll make it up to you," Brayden told him, "I promise." He glanced around quickly before pressing a quick kiss to his cheek.

The waitress came back with the boxes and Tyler put both of their burgers into it. He stood up and waved goodbye to everyone before he and Brayden left.

Nick sighed and rubbed his face. Everything was going so well. Everyone was happy. He was happy. And then Mr. Archer pulled Brayden away.

"I wonder what happened," Alex muttered as she bit into her turkey sandwich.

Connor just stared at the other boy with a knowing smirk.


"He kissed you goodbye," Connor said. "Like a boyfriend usually does. And you were totally holding hands under the table."

Alex took a sip of her strawberry milkshake. "If Shelby knew, she'd be so fucking jealous," She laughed.

Nicholas rolled his eyes at his friend and stole the cherry on top of her milkshake. He popped it into his mouth with a delighted grin and she whined.

"So?" Connor asked.

"'So' what?"

"Are you two dating?"

Nick looked out the window to avoid his friend's eyes. He could feel himself blushing and a smile was forcing itself onto his face. "Yes."

"Called it!" Connor exclaimed. "You owe me five bucks!"

Alex grumpily dug into her pockets and slapped the money into his hand.

"You two made a fucking bet on us?" Nicholas asked with a baffled look. The two nodded.  "Of course you guys did."

"We wouldn't be us if we didn't," Alex said with a smile.


Brayden sighed and brought one of the last boxes up from the basement and into the garage. Tyler started going through one and he looked up at his half brother. "What is this stuff?" He asked.

"My mom's stuff," Brayden said quietly. "The fucking prick is selling my mother's things."

"Oh." Tyler didn't know what to say. He knew that it was hurting Brayden a lot more than he was letting on. "I'm sorry."

"C'mon," Brayden huffed, "Let's go get the last one."

Writers Note:

Tyler's finally seeing the real Jordan. Good.

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