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Nicholas, who was almost thirteen, jumped off the peer and into the water

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Nicholas, who was almost thirteen, jumped off the peer and into the water. Brayden, who had just turned fourteen, was already in the cool water waiting for him. Nick plunged to the bottom, feeling the soft rocks touch his feet. When he surfaced, he smirked as Brayden watched him.

"I asked Jenna out yesterday in English," Brayden said. Nicholas ran a hand through his wet hair, brushing it out of his eyes.

"Cool," He replied, despite the fact that his stomach churned at the other boy's words.

Brayden kicked his feet and his arms made circling motions in the water to keep him afloat. "Yeah," He murmured. "Have you asked anyone out yet?"

"I know what you're trying to ask," Nicholas said, "Alex and I are just best friends, Bray."

Brayden smiled and slowly swam towards the younger boy. "Best friends?" He asked. "Do you love her more than me?"

Nicholas rolled his eyes and floated on his back. "Yup, totally."

Brayden smirked and swiftly pushed Nicholas under the water. Nick squirmed and kicked as the older boy held him down. Brayden let him go and immediately felt his swimming trunks float down to his legs.

Nick swam back to the surface with a pleased grin on his face. "You're going to pay for this," Brayden teased. He swam to the bottom of the shallow lake they were swimming in to retrieve his shorts. They weren't there.

When Brayden came back up, Nicholas waved the black swimming bottoms in the air. "Looking for these?" He said before throwing them onto his backyard.

"You're dead," Brayden said before tackling Nicholas back underwater.

Brayden's phone went off, waking him up from his dream. He cursed under his breath, knowing that it was probably Shelby. Brayden reached onto his dresser and grabbed his phone.

Nick: Bray? You still up?

Brayden smiled and a pressure lifted off of his shoulders.

Brayden: Nope but I am now :)

Nick: sorry :( ... I was dared to do something

Nick: And Connor said he'd give me $20 if I actually did it

Brayden: Okay?

Nick: I really want the money

Brayden: You didn't kill someone did you? Because if you did I know a guy who will help you in court

Nick: 1) no i didnt kill someone, idiot

Nick: and 2) we both know you dont actually know someone who would help me in court

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