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Brayden and Nicholas walked into the arcade with their hands shakily clasped together. Brayden looked over at the smaller boy, who was clearly anxious.

"Hey, it's okay," Brayden whispered to him, "We don't have to hold hands if you don't want to, okay?"

"No," Nicholas said, "I want to. I just...I–
I'm sorry."

Brayden smiled as best as he could. "Don't be sorry. Let's just go have fun." Nicholas nodded and a smile started to appear on his face as Brayden led them over to the ski-ball machine.

Brayden smirked, loving how the smallest things could make Nicholas happier.

He dug into his pocket, which was filled with tokens. Nick did the same and they popped them into the slot. The balls on both of their tracks lowered.

Nicholas picked one up and violently threw it up the slope. He got it into the fifty slot and smiled. Brayden did the same thing but his only went into the ten hole. He cursed under his breath.

"I suck at this," Brayden muttered as another ball of his went into the ten. Nicholas jumped with joy as his went into the one hundred hole. He looked at Brayden knowingly, a smirk plastered on his face. "Oh shut up." Nicholas laughed and threw another one.

When they both ran out of balls, their scores flashed on the screens as their tickets came out of the slots. Nicholas got 10,150 as his score and Brayden got 1,130.

"You're right," Nicholas said, "You do suck at this." Brayden flipped him off, which earned him a horrified look from a mother standing across from him with her children next to her.

Nicholas began to laugh as the woman walked away and Brayden flushed red. "Oops," He mumbled.

The two walked over to another game and as they walked, Brayden slapped Nick's ass. Nicholas looked over his shoulder, his eyes shooting daggers at the other boy. "Are you crazy?" He whisper yelled.

"Yes, but only for you," Brayden winked. Nicholas blushed and continued to walk.

They approached a game where they had to knock down as many blow-up dolls as they could in thirty seconds.

Brayden popped his coins in and the two boys grabbed the red balls as they rolled towards them. They picked them up and started chucking them at the dolls.

Brayden accidentally threw a ball at a piece of the machine, which made it bounce back at him. Nicholas let out a loud laugh as Brayden dodged it.

"Why are you so mean to me?" Brayden whined and threw another ball. He knocked down two dolls in one.

Nicholas smiled and chucked another red ball, knocking one doll down. The white numbers turned to red as it reached five seconds left. Brayden knocked down the last doll just as it reached one second.

The machine spit out their tickets and Nick pointed at a claw machine. Brayden ripped his tickets out of the slot and followed the younger boy over to the machine.

"You're usually good at these, right?" Nicholas asked. Brayden smirked and cracked his fingers.

"Step aside, peasant, and let the master show you how good he is," Brayden said and Nicholas shook his head in amusement.

Brayden put four coins in and the machine started playing an annoying tune. Brayden looked at all of the gigantic plushies at the bottom of the machine. A smirked and moved the claw towards the one he wanted.

Nicholas watched intently, his eyes wide and mouth slightly agape like a child. Brayden noticed and smiled fondly.

Brayden slammed his hand down on the red DROP button, which was blinking frantically as the timer started to run out. The claw went straight down slowly and precisely.

It landed around the one he wanted and closed itself around it. As the claw started to go back up, it brought the toy with it.

Nicholas scoffed with a grin on his face. Brayden looked at him and puckered his lips. But Nicholas wasn't grinning at what Brayden had done, no, he was grinning at the fact that the plushy was stuck.

Brayden noticed about a minute later and strung a lot of curses into one sentence. The stupid plushy's tag got caught on the claws tongs.

He looked around, noticing that no one was near them, and he frantically shook the machine.

"Bray, you're going to get us in trouble," Nick laughed. Brayden shook his head.

"Just watch and learn, peasant," He mumbled and gave it one last shake. The tag slipped off of the claw and fell down right into the drop box. Brayden grabbed it with a smile.

Nicholas finally realized that it was a heart with eyes and a grinning mouth. "You have," Brayden handed it to him, "My heart."

"You're so cheesy," Nicholas mused. He took the heart and smirked.

Brayden leaned down for a quick kiss. "Now," He said quietly, "Let's go play some Dance Revolution!"

Nick groaned as Brayden tugged him along.

Alex waved at Connor and he waved back before driving away. Even though she had one hand holding her shopping bags and the other holding a coffee she managed to open the front door of her house.

She heard her mother talking on the phone in the kitchen and her father yelling at the television screen in the living room.

Alex walked up the stairs and into her room. She set the bags down onto her bed and toed off her shoes. Alex took a sip of her coffee and took out her phone.

"I'm sorry, okay?" Someone said and Alex looked up. Tasia stood in the doorway, her arms crossed over her chest, and her eyebrows furrowed. "It was a mistake. Just please talk to me, Alex. It's been days."

Alex shook her head and gave her sister an amused look. "What happens when you drop a glass dish?" She asked.

Tasia, obviously thrown off by the question, shrugged. "It breaks?"

"Exactly," Alex nodded. She began to take her new clothes out of their shopping bags. "Does saying sorry fix it? Does the plate just magically go back together like it was before?"

Tasia looked down at the floor. "No..."

"So stop saying sorry. You ruined Nick's life. There's no coming back from that. Now get out," Alex gritted.

"Just listen to me! You don't understand what happened!" Tasia cried.

Alex laughed bitterly at her sister. "You were pissed that Nicholas didn't like you back. So, you told Daniel, who just happens to hate Nick's guts for some shitty ass reason. I understand perfectly. Now leave."

Tasia sighed and a few more tears dripped off of her chin. She left the room, slamming the door behind her.

Writers Note:

Who hates Tasia? Why?

Who likes Tasia? Why?

Who doesn't care? Why?

Who wants me to shut tf up? Why?

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