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Tyler got back into the truck and blew out a breath. Brayden looked over at him with a smirk. The younger boy shook his head and looked up at his older brother.

"Just drive," Tyler muttered.

Nicholas turned the radio station and laid back into the seat. Connor, who was in the back, clapped his hands and pointed at the other boy. "Bitch, this song is my shit!" Connor squealed and began singing to it.

Tasia pulled one of her earbuds out of her ear and glared at him. "Can you shut up?" She snapped and put it back in before he could answer.

Alex turned the music up louder. "Connor, you may sing as loud as you please," She said and continued to drive.

Nick looked at Tasia through the mirror and their gazes met. She rolled her eyes and went back to staring out the window. He clenched his jaw, along with every other muscle in his body. Nicholas was never one to tell people off but Tasia was pushing him over the edge.

The sky was turning dark and he saw grey clouds slowly rolling above them.

Alex looked over at him and she raised her eyebrows. "Are you okay?" Nicholas nodded and let out a deep breath.

"Yeah," He mumbled back in response. Alex didn't believe him but she nodded nonetheless.

It started to rain. The soft patter of the droplets hitting the car echoed in their ears. Nicholas gazed out the window, noticing that the glass was already covered in water. It made the lights on the passing vehicles blurry.

He sent Brayden a quick text out of habit. When Brayden responded immediately, he smiled. Alex noticed and smiled softly to herself.

Alex turned onto Nicholas' street and he put his phone back into his pocket. She pulled into his driveway and the two boys got out of the car. Connor helped him get his bags out of the trunk before saying goodbye.

"I'll text to you later," Nicholas said before the other boy crawled back into the car. Connor smiled, nodded, and closed the car door behind him.

Nicholas walked up to his house and watched as the small silver car drove away. As he reached out for the doorknob it opened. His mother stood in the doorway with a smile.

"Hi, Mom," He said and she engulfed her son into a hug.

"I missed you so much," Mrs. Holland said and squeezed him tighter.

Nick laughed, "Mom I was in LA, not the war."

She groaned. "I don't care, I still missed you." Nicholas smiled and they soon pulled away. "So, did you have fun?"

Nick nodded and told her all about the trip as they walked inside. He sat down at the table in the kitchen and she handed him a plate with leftovers from what he assumed was that night's dinner.

"Would you please do the dishes for me after you're done eating? It has been a long day and I want to go to bed." Nick sighed but nodded nonetheless.

"Is Dad already asleep?" He asked before looking at the clock. It was almost nine-thirty and his eyes widened. Nicholas knew it was late but he hadn't expected it to be that late. Kirsten nodded.

The front door opened quietly and Brayden walked into the kitchen a second later. Mrs. Holland looked at him and smiled. "Great, since you're here now, you can help Nick with the dishes. Goodnight boys!" Kirsten walked out of the kitchen and jogged up the stairs. They heard the faint sound of her bedroom door closing.

"Do we really have to?" Brayden whined and Nicholas laughed.

"Yup," He said and Brayden sat down in the seat next to him. "Are you hungry? You can have the rest of this if you want. I'm full."

"Nah, Tyler and I got something to eat an hour ago at Mcdo," He responded.

"Are you okay?" Nicholas asked, "About the whole Tyler thing?"

Brayden shrugged and emitted a short breath. "At first I was pissed and I took it out on him. But it's not his fault. He's a good person and I don't mind his company," He replied calmly. Nick nodded, letting the other boy know that he was listening.

"I joined his baseball team. I probably already told you, right?" Nick shook his head no. "I fucking missed playing it. Do you ever miss it?"

"I haven't thought about it," Nicholas shrugged. "But I'm glad that you're playing again. I know that you loved it and were upset when you couldn't do it anymore." Brayden smiled with one side of his lips.

A few minutes of comfortable silence passed before Brayden decided to change the subject.

"So, did you miss me at all?" He asked with a cocky grin.

"Totally," Nick quipped, "I could barely function without you. There was this void in my heart that couldn't be filled until I saw you."

They both chuckled and when they were finished Nick slowly stood up. He put a hand on the older boy's shoulder. "C'mon, let's get these dishes done," He said. Brayden stood up and gently tugged at Nicholas's hand.

"Wait," He said. His breath fanned across Nick's lips and he reached down to place a hand on the side of Nicholas's face. Brayden's thumb gently played with the smaller boy's full bottom lip. Nick parted his mouth for him as if on instinct.

The other hand snaked around his waist and Nicholas's cheeks flushed a light pink. "My mom could walk in—"

"Shhh," Brayden said below a whisper. He slowly leaned down so that their noses were touching. Their lips were about a millimeter apart and Brayden could feel how tense the other boy was.

The boys still had their eyes open but they were hooded with excitement. Anticipation sparkled in both of their eyes and it seemed as if nothing mattered in that moment.

Nicholas watched Brayden as if the entire world was right in front of him, because he truly was his whole world. Brayden smiled lazily down at Nick and he caressed his nape.

Brayden knew that he was falling for his best friend and he knew that he was falling hard. But was falling so bad? Was falling in love with Nicholas Holland a horrible thing?

Neither of them could tell who moved first, or if they met half way, but their lips connected and it felt amazing.

It wasn't the first time they had kissed but it felt like everything the first time should've. It wasn't rushed or impatient. It wasn't filled with anger or sadness. It was slow and held meaning. It felt like love and need, with a hint of lust.

Adrenaline coursed through their veins. They kissed over and over again until their lips were red and teeth-bitten. Their tongues were numb from exploring each other's mouths and their lips were swollen.

"Forget about the dishes," Nicholas moaned as Brayden's puffy lips traveled down his neck. "Let's go upstairs."

Brayden's hands reached down, gripping the other boy's ass. He grabbed one of Nick's legs and lifted it up to his hip. Nicholas got the message and jumped. He wrapped his legs around Brayden's waist.

He carried the smaller boy up to his room and locked the door behind them.

Writers Note:

No smut for you :)

Go read the bible instead.

*throws book at you*

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