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Nicholas woke up with a jolt. He looked around his room, trying to figure out what had just happened. He didn't quite remember it, but he was sure that it was a loud thud that had woken him up.

Nicholas stood up from his bed and quickly put on a t-shirt. He cautiously made his way to his bedroom door. Before he could touch the doorknob, it swung open, missing his face by an inch. Nicholas stared wide-eyed at his father.

"Were you just downstairs?" his dad asked him quietly, his face showing nothing but fear. Nick shook his head no.

"Someone's in the house," Mr. Holland confirmed. He reached behind Nicholas's door and grabbed his metal baseball bat.

The two quietly walked down the stairs and listened closely. They heard a man cursing under his breath in the living-room. Mr. Holland motioned his hand towards the dark hallway, which led to the kitchen.

"Get the phone and call the police," Mr. Holland told his son, merely managing a whisper.

Nick nodded and walked towards the kitchen. Mr. Holland raised the baseball bat high and took cautious steps into the living-room.

He noticed a figure huddled into a ball on the floor by the open window. He took a swing of the baseball bat, making a CLONK noise.

"Fuck!" The person groaned out in pain. "What the hell  Mr. Holland! Relax!"

Nicholas flicked on the lights as soon as he recognized the voice. It had belonged to his best friend, who was stilling muttering Jesus Christ's and holy shit's while clutching his head. Mr. Holland put his hand over his mouth and dropped the bat to the floor.

"Brayden, what the hell are you doing here?" Nicholas asked while biting back the urge to smack him upside the head. He walked over to Brayden, who was still huddled in the corner.

Mr. Holland glanced at the clock and frowned. "What are you doing here, B? It's two in the morning!"

Brayden cracked a cocky smile and sheepishly looked up at Nick. "I needed to talk to you."

"Couldn't you have waited until the morning?" Mrs. Holland inquired as she walked into the room. She wrapped her blue bathrobe around her body. "Someone shut the window, please!"

Nicholas closed it and then helped Brayden up to his feet. Brayden grunted as another pain shot through his throbbing head.

 Mr. Holland was not messing around with that swing, that's for damn sure.

"You have the key to our house Brayden, why didn't you just use the front door?" she asked and then sighed, waving her hand in the air.

"I didn't want to wake you guys up!" he responded. Everyone shot him a look. "It's not my fault that you guys put a chair in front of the window! I think I twisted my ankle..."

"Brayden, go home," Mr. Holland said and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I, um, can't," he mumbled and scratched the back of his head. "I left my house key in my locker at school and my dad's not home from New York yet..."

Mrs. Holland pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. "Sometimes I worry about you Brayden," she murmured. He flashed her a smile. "Both you boys. Bed. Now."

Nicholas grabbed him by the arm and pulled him up to his room. "Goodnight! Again, sorry!" Brayden yelled. They mumbled back incoherently.

Nicholas closed the door behind them and Brayden laid down on his bed, managing to cover the entire mattress. He got comfortable, as he usually did, and then faced the other boy.

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