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Nick: Don't freak out

Brayden: What did you do, now?


Brayden: yOu GoT a NoSe PiErCiNg!?

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Brayden: yOu GoT a NoSe PiErCiNg!?

Nick: Yeah...

Brayden: Your parents are going to kill you

Nick: Probably

Nick: I gtg. I'll be home in a few hours

Brayden: Come over :)

Nick: No you come over :p

Brayden: Okay ;)

"Texting the hubby at eight in the morning?" Connor said and propped his chin on his hand. Nicholas looked over at him, who was wrapped in his blankets like a cocoon.

"I showed Brayden my piercing," Nick explained.

"It makes you look total boner material," Connor said with a snort. He found himself hilarious.

"And I wasn't before?" Nicholas joked.

"Don't worry, my young grasshopper, you're hot either way."

Nicholas rolled his eyes and sat up. He unplugged his phone from his charging cord and got off of the bed. "We're suppose to be out of here by ten," He reminded him. Connor groaned in response.

Nick walked out of the room and knocked gently on the girls' door. "Come on guys, we need to get a move on," He said.

Alex opened the door and stared blankly at him. "I'm up," She said, "And I need to pee." Nicholas stepped out of the way, while shaking his head, and she walked silently to the bathroom.

Tasia was already packing her bag. She noticed him standing in the doorway but she didn't say a word. Nicholas sighed and sauntered over to the kitchen.

Connor knocked loudly on the bathroom door. "Alex, hurry up! I need to piss!" He whined.

"I just got in here!" She yelled back. "Hold on a second!"

Nicholas opened the fridge and pulled out the box of leftover pizza. The pizza was still good so he took a slice.

He leaned onto the counter and watched as Connor and Alex argued from both sides of the bathroom door.

Tyler sat down at the table with a bowl of cereal in his hand. Brayden jogged down the stairs and entered the kitchen. He noticed that Tyler had left the cereal and milk out for him.

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