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"Why are we getting detention?" Alex said loudly. She narrowed her eyes at the Principal and he crossed his arms onto the desk. "Connor and I walked into the school and were jumped by Shelby and Jayme!"

"The deputy and I asked a few witnesses and they said that it was the other way around, actually," The Principal said.

Connor looked at the deputy who was standing behind him. "Check the cameras!" He said exasperatedly.

"We did," She told him, "But the crowd of kids made it impossible for us to see what happened. That's why we asked the kids, because if a majority said—"

"Kids lie!" Alex yelled, "And they'll specifically lie for Shelby and Daniel because they're scared of them!"

"You both will stay after school until four everyday this week and Saturday you'll come in for detention at seven. That's final."

Alex stood up from her seat, nearly knocking it down, and left the room. Connor glared at the two adults in the room before following her out.

"This is such bullshit," She growled and he nodded.

"It is," He agreed.

They passed Shelby who was at her locker, grinning from ear to ear.

"I'm going to hurt her," Alex said with pure hatred. "Might as well, since I'm in trouble for this shit anyways."

Connor held her back. "Alex, stop. You're not thinking straight."

"I don't care, Connor!" Alex yelled. "She helped ruin Nick's life! She deserves to be punished." Alex walked away, leaving Connor alone in the hall.

It was already past six o'clock in the evening and the sky was darkening. The stars and moon were out and the wind was howling. The two boys have been sleeping for over six hours now.

Kirsten opened up Nick's bedroom door only a crack and peaked through. She saw Brayden and Nick on the bed with the blankets pulled up to their shoulders. They left the window open, which was why it was chilly in the room.

She quietly crept inside to close it. She accidentally stepped on a loose floorboard and it creaked. Brayden turned in his sleep and Nicholas draped his arm around him. They were chest against back and their legs were intertwined under the covers.

Kirsten could now see the deep cuts on Brayden's lip and near his eyebrows. She didn't notice it before when they were downstairs. Kirsten knew that it had something to do with why they weren't at school.

She watched the two for a few minutes and a sad smile appeared on her face. Kirsten knew that something bad must've happened and Brayden stood up for her son. That's just what those two did for each other. They cared and protected the other, even at a young age.

Kirsten quietly left the room and gently shut the door closed.

When Nicholas woke up, Brayden wasn't there anymore. It seemed like he was gone. He sat up and sighed. It took Nick a few seconds to realize why he was home in the first place. But when he remembered it hit him like a truck. He felt sick again.

There was a small knock on the door that was slightly opened. He looked up and his mom walked in. She had a glass of water in her hand and she set it down next to him on his dresser.

"Where's Brayden?" Nicholas asked and ran a hand through his hair to get it out of his eyes.

"He left a few minutes ago," Kirsten said. He nodded and took a sip of the water. "How are you feeling?"

Nick shrugged. "I'm fine, Mom." She shook her head and reached out to place her hand on his cheek. Her skin was warm compared to his.

"Nicholas Darin Holland, why are you lying to me?" She asked with furrowed eyebrows. "I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong."

"People are just really fucking mean, Mom," He told her and leaned into her touch. Kirsten pulled her son into a hug and he wrapped his arms around her.

"What happened?" She asked quietly.

Nicholas hesitated and the fact that he actually paused made him internally flinch. This was his mother. The person he trusted the most.

"Daniel told the whole school that I'm gay," He murmured and closed his eyes before the tears could start to form. He bit his quivering bottom lip hard.

Kirsten inhaled a sharp, sudden breath. She felt Nick's body tense and she rubbed his back. "That's terrible, Nicholas."

"It is."

She opened her mouth to speak but decided not to.

Nicholas sighed. "Go ahead."


"Ask me the question that you're dying to ask, Mom. It's okay."

She smiled sadly and rubbed his shoulder. "Are you gay, Nicholas?"


Brayden walked into his house and Jordan was already there, standing in front of him, with his arms crossed. "I just got a call from the school," He growled. "How did you end up getting suspended?"

"It's a long story," Brayden said tossed his backpack onto the couch. "And you don't give a shit to hear it all."

Jordan slapped Brayden across the face. Brayden didn't flinch. He was use to it.

"You better listen to me, Boy," Mr. Archer spat, "Talk like that to me again and you're gonna wish that you weren't alive, ya here?"

Brayden nodded and Jordan walked away.

"Trust me," He whispered. "I already do."

Writers Note:

Kirsten knows o.O

I feel so bad for my bbys.

I just want them to be happy. *sighs* But, if I want a good story and a well written plot then I have to do dis my bitchas.

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