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Brayden parked in an empty spot by the front door of the rehabilitation center. He turned his car off and reached into his cupholder to grab his wallet.

As he opened his wallet to make sure he had his ID, he stumbled across a picture of him and Nicholas when they were about thirteen. He took it out and studied it.

"Smile!" Brayden said and pointed the camera towards the both of them. Nick stuck his tongue out just as he pressed the button. The flash made them both flinch and Brayden turned the tiny camera back around. He looked on the screen and Nick laughed.

"My moms taking me to the store tomorrow so I can get this developed," Brayden told his friend as he crawled to the other side of the tent they were in. He found his bag, which was in the corner, and he put his camera away.

"So you remember me when you leave to see your mom?" Nick asked, already crawling into his sleeping bag.

"I'd never forget you, Dumbo," Brayden said and crawled back over to him. His sleeping bag was right next to Nick's.

"Promise?" Nicholas said, staring up at the other boy.

"I promise."

Brayden snapped out of his memory and put the picture back into his wallet. He opened his door and stepped out into the cold air. He zipped his jacket up and slammed his door shut. He walked into the building.

As he walked through the doors, he was greeted by a woman behind the counter.

"I'm here to pick up Jordan Archer, he's getting released today at two." Brayden told her.

She began typing into her computer. "Your relation to him?"


The woman smiled brightly. "You must be Tyler! Your father has talked a lot about you!"

Brayden furrowed his eyebrows and handed her his ID. "No, I'm Brayden. You must be talking about someone else."

The woman nodded, looked at his ID and then back up at him.

"Well, there's only one Jordan Archer here so getting him mixed up with someone else would be hard. But anyways, he'll be right out. Feel free to sit down in our waiting-room if you'd like." Brayden nodded and walked over to the small area she was pointing to.

He sat down on an uncomfortable chair and took out his phone. There was one text from Alex but no texts from Nicholas. He sighed and turned his phone off. He didn't bother looking at her text, knowing it was her ranting about how he treats Nick like shit. Those two are just a bunch of gossips when together, he thought.

Brayden sighed and ran a hand through his long, brown hair. He had to admit, he did treat him like crap. He took Nick for granted. Nick has always been there and Brayden realized that he never really thought about the day he wouldn't be.

His mother, when she was still alive, use to tell him that Nicholas couldn't be there all the time and he needed to be less dependent on him. Brayden, at the time didn't believe her. But now, Brayden started to worry.

Brayden knew that Nicholas would eventually forgive him for lying but what if he ended up doing something stupid in the future? Could he lose the only thing he cared about?

Brayden heard footsteps and he looked up. His eyes met his father's and Brayden smiled weakly. "Hi, Dad."

"Lets go, already," Jordan grumbled and started to walk out of the building. Brayden shook his head and rubbed his eyes before standing up.

He thought that maybe his father would have changed over the few months. Brayden thought maybe he'd be different, that he'd be less hateful. But no, he was wrong. His father was still an asshole.

Brayden followed his father out of the building and into his car.

When they arrived back at their house, Mr. Archer looked around. He grumbled under his breath and grabbed the phone.

"Where are you going?" Brayden asked.

"To take a damn bath in my own tub," Jordan said and walked up the stairs, the phone still clutched in his hand.

Brayden blew out a breath and took his phone out of his pocket. He still had no texts from Nick.

Brayden poured himself a glass of soda before walking up the stairs and straight into his room. He could hear the faint sound of running water as he closed his door.

He laid down on his bed and texted the boy who was ignoring him.

Brayden: It was one lie

Brayden: A stupid one at that but thats not the point. Well technically a lie of omission but whatever

Brayden: I know I really screwed it up and I'm sorry. Forgive me :(

Brayden: Nick

Brayden: Nick

Brayden: Nick

Brayden: Answer me

Brayden: Nick

Brayden: Nick

Nick: Stop

Brayden: Forgive me and I will

Brayden: I'll do anything you want, just talk to me

Nick: I'm busy rn, cant talk

Nick: Also it was not a lie of omission, u blatantly lied about ur father being on a work trip.

Brayden: Oh ya 

Brayden: Whatever 

Brayden: Dont play that shit with me come on

Nick: You know what?

Nick: I've never lied to you.

Brayden: What do u want me to do. I'll do anything I swear. Just tell me what u want me to do to make u stop being mad

Nick: Stop texting I gtg

Brayden: NO

Nick: YES

Brayden: Stop being a twat

Nick: Fuck you

Brayden: Fuck me



Nick: You aren't funny

Brayden: if u wont accept my apology through text then I'm coming over

Nick: Good thing I'm not home

Brayden: where r u

Nick: dont worry about it

Nick: Take this as a lie of omission

Brayden: Whatever

Brayden: Fuck yourself

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