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Content Edit: As of 2024, I am removing the use of a homophobic slur in this chapter; I want to take this word out because there is a better way to go about this specific scene that does not need the inclusion of this word. I avoid using these types of words at all costs, but unfortunately the truth is that this word is still heavily used and prominent today, especially in high schools. Slurs are disgusting and horrible, please never use them and under no circumstance aim it at a person. Be better than others, and be safe out there. 

Thank you,



Brayden and Nick went their separate ways as they entered school. Brayden met up with Shelby at her locker whereas Nick just went to his.

"Guess who's back?!" someone exclaimed. Nicholas looked over and realized it was his other best friend, Alex.

Alex had left a few weeks ago to go on a trip with her family to Florida. She was very vague on when she'd be back. It was a lot longer than he had expected.

People gave her dirty looks as they passed and she flipped them off. Nicholas laughed and opened his arms up for her. She walked into him and he wrapped his arms around her small body, engulfing her into a hug.

"How was your trip?" he mumbled into her blonde hair.

"It was great," Alex replied enthusiastically. "Really, really great. Fucking A-MAZE-ZING." Nick smiled.

"You're telling me about it at lunch," he told her.

"I have to miss lunch today to take a test. How about after school?" she asked.

"Sure, my house?"


The two turned their heads as Daniel Herondale walked in. Alex rolled her eyes dramatically while Nicholas did the same.

"What are you looking at?" Daniel snapped. His attention was directed at Nick. They both glared at each other.

"Oh, fuck off," Alex mumbled.

"I'd watch what you say, idiots," Daniel muttered before continuing his way to his locker.

Nicholas rolled his eyes and glanced at Alex. The two boys had it out for each other since the ninth grade.

Back then, Daniel and Alex dated for a while, resulting in how most relationships did. He left her heartbroken and Nicholas, being the good friend he was, made sure Daniel didn't go unharmed.

The two boys got into a fight, resulting in Daniel's face messed up for a good month and the bones in Nick's hand being completely shattered. But that was almost three years ago.

"Don't let that incel get to you," he said.

"Don't worry, he doesn't," Alex said. 


She kissed Nicholas quickly on the cheek, whispered "I'll see you at lunch," and turned on her heel. Nick laughed as she strutted off. He closed his locker and walked to his first period class.

Nick sat down at his regular seat at the lunch table. Brayden approached the table, with Shelby clinging onto his arm. They sat down across from him.

"Where's Alex?" Brayden asked and bit into his sandwich. Nicholas watched as Shelby wiped the mayo that was on his face off with her thumb. Nick stifled an eye roll. She put her thumb to her own lips and licked the mayo off. Nick stifled a gag.

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