The Rescue

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Riker's P.O.V.

I felt the brakes go out and seen the jump ahead. We were going way to fast to try and turn away from it, the only choice was to take it head on. But I've never taken a jump before and didn't know how to handle things. Vanessa had asked what was wrong and I told her, the jump coming up way to fast. I pushed her off knowing she would be less hurt now than after the jump. She fell into the water as I took the jump head on. The jet ski was starting to turn upside down and I tried to launch myself away from it. I ended up doing a belly flop right into the water. The pain was excruciating. I swam to the top holding my stomach and Ross and Jade drove the other jet ski over to me.

"OMG Riker!!! Are you o.k.!!!!!" Jade said worriedly.

"I'm fine, how's Vanessa?" I asked looking around for her.

"You haven't found her?" Ross asked me.

"No I pushed her off before the jump. Oh God we have to find her!!!" I said starting to swim over to where I pushed her off. I didn't even care that my stomach was killing me, I just had to find Vanessa and make sure she was o.k. After about 5 minutes of swimming around the area she should've been in, I felt something soft touch my foot. I dived under the water and felt a hand reaching up. I grabbed it and pulled it up but it was stuck on something. I dove down further and felt seaweed wrapped around the person I hoped was Vanessa. I tore it off and pulled the person up. Once I got to the surface I took a look at the person and seen a very familiar face. It was Vanessa.

"Oh God Vanessa, please open your eyes!!" I yelled to her. "Come on, don't die on me!! I need you, I love you!!! Please open your eyes!! Oh God!!" I screamed starting to cry.

"Riker!!! Get her on here!!" I heard Ross tell me. I looked to see a big floatation device attached to the jet ski. I pulled her up on the floaty and grabbed onto the sides. Ross took off towards shore while I started doing CPR on Vanessa. Jade was apparently on shore calling for an ambulance. Ross slowed down and I grabbed Vanessa bridal style and brought her onto the sandy shore. I kept doing CPR while everyone started crowding around. I didn't even bother about the paparazzi or fans or anything I just wanted Vanessa to wake up. About five minutes later the ambulance showed up. They took over doing CPR and put her on a stretcher into the vehicle and drove off. Ross and Jade ran over to me and pulled me into our car. I was too distressed to drive so Ross having at least his permit took over while I sat in the front passenger seat. Jade kept telling me something about a hospital and seeing her soon but I was just out of it. 20 minutes later Ross pulled into the parking lot and they pulled me out of the car and into the hospital. Jade sat with me trying to comfort me while Ross asked the nurse at the desk which room she was in and if she was okay.

"Okay thank you ma'am" I heard Ross say as he came to sit down on the other side of me.

"It will be fine, Vanessa will be okay in a while and then we'll be able to see her." He said.

"Guys I'm so sorry. This date was a bad idea, if I had just stuck to dinner and a movie instead of coming up with this we wouldn't be here. Vanessa is hurt and it's all my fault. I'm so sorry" I nursed out starting to cry again. Both Jade and Ross wrapped me in a hug assuring me Vanessa was going to be fine and it wasn't my fault, saying something about faulty equipment and the lake should pay for injuries. We sat there for about an hour as I kept replaying the whole scene over and over.

"Vanessa Carlton's family" we heard the doctor say finally.

"Yeah, how is she?" I asked the doctor as the three of us stood up.

"We've stabilized her breathing and got all the water out of her lungs. She still hasn't woken up yet but she should be fine." He told us.

"Could we see her?" Ross asked for me.

"I usually don't allow this since she just got out of intensive care but yes you can." He said leading us to the room she was in. We walked into her room and all I could see was the tubes that were sticking in her through her throat and other various parts of her body. She laid there unconscious as I sat down in the chair next to the bed. I grabbed her hand and gave it a light kiss as I took at look at her lifeless body. I could see her stomach and chest moving up and down so I knew she wasn't dead, but it felt like she was to me, and it felt like I was dead right along side her.

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