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Jade's P.O.V.

Did I just hear Harry scream this was on the news! Oh god that means that people know I'm dating Ross. I dug out my phone and went to Twitter. I had thousands of new followers and thousands of new messages. I looked at the trending topics and sitting at number three was #RanessaAndJoss. I clicked on the trend to see what people have been posting with it. Many of them said something like this: 'what a first date!! Get better Vanessa!! #RanessaAndJoss forever' but there were the occasional few from haters that said this: 'Riker what were you thinking?? You almost killed her!! I told you your just a loser #RanessaAndJoss will never work' most of them though were very supportive of the whole thing and just wished us the best. I showed Ross what people were saying about Riker.

"This is just messed up! It was an accident!" He almost yelled. He grabbed his phone and pulled up his Twitter page. I seen him typing 'R5fam come on! It was an accident, Riker didn't do anything! And so what if #RanessaAndJoss exist?! I love Jade and Riker loves Vanessa.'

"Good luck taking her!!.......WHAT?!?!" We heard Riker scream from outside the door. I walked over to the door not sure if I should open it or not. Next thing I knew I heard running, I opened up the door to see what was happening and I found Riker running down the hall towards the exit. I felt really bad for him, I knew what he was going through because it happened to me too, but mine wasn't so pretty. Anyways I walked back into the room to see Ross sitting by Vanessa. He was just as worried as me and Riker were. Before we knew it though the doctor had walked in and told us they wanted to do more tests on Vanessa. We and Ross exited the hospital but found there was no car there for us. Riker had taken his when he ran out. Ross got his phone out and called his mom.

"K. Mom I'll see you in 20. Love you." He said to her as he hung up. We walked along outside the hospital staying close to the parking lot and twenty minutes later I seen a familiar white van pull up. Ross lead me over to it and opened the door for me. Even in troubling times he was still a gentleman. I put my seatbelt on introduced myself officially to Stormie.

"Hi honey, it's nice to put a face to words. Ross has been talking about you non stop." She told me. I laughed.

"MOM!!" Ross cried embarrassed.

"Don't worry, I've probably been talking about you non stop too." I smiled at him. I leaned my head on his shoulder as his mom took off to the house.

Harry's P.O.V.

I can't believe Riker hung up on me! I swear Vanessa better be fine or else Riker is going to be hurt worse than Vanessa was. I guess the boys had heard me yelling at him because as soon as I hung up my end of the phone they boys came into the room.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Louis asked me.

"You remember the meet and greet yesterday...and the girl I met there, Vanessa? Well she called me earlier today to say that she wanted to be friends and that her and Riker are official. About ten minutes ago though I seen on American News that there had been an accident at a lake involving Vanessa and Riker and that Vanessa was in the hospital." I said starting to cry a little as I ran out of breath.

"Was she the one who's friend gave us the teddy bears?" Niall asked.

"Yeah, the friend's name is Jade. She the one who wanted to date you." I told him.

"Oh the hot one!" He said finally remembering her.

"Niall!!?" Disha had said. We turned around to see her standing in the doorway with a hurt look on her face.

"No, your beautiful, inside and out. I just meant that Jade was pretty. I still love you!" Niall said as he walked over to her.

"If a guy says your hot he's looking at your outside, but if he says your beautiful he's looking at your heart. And If a guy is looking at your heart it means he truly loves you." Zayn told Disha. He was always saying something deep and emotional.

"Awww Niall..." Disha said kissing him.

"Get a room!" Liam yelled jokingly. The couple laughed and walked out heading to God knows where. That left just me, Liam, Louis, and Zayn in the room.

"Oh shoot..." Zayn said

"What?" I asked.

"We're about to miss our flight to London! It leaves in an hour and we still have to pack!" He said running out of the room.

"Hey don't worry Haz. Vanessa will be fine, you'll get to see her in a few months anyways" Louis said to me.

"I don't even know if she's o.k. or not." I responded.

"It will be o.k. the concerts will be over before you know it."Liam said as he and Louis walked to their rooms. This was going to be a long three months.

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