The Talk

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Riker's P.O.V.

I just texted Vanessa to ask her to talk with me.

*Crazy it's true, yeah crazy for you* I check my phone to see a text from Vanessa. 'Fine I'll be over in twenty' 20 minutes seemed like a long time to walk the short distance from the campus to our house but maybe she had to get ready.

Twenty minutes later I heard the door bell. I ran to open it and I seen Vanessa standing there with her arms crossed. Even when she was pissed she was beautiful.

"I'm here, talk" she told me through gritted teeth.

"Here come sit down." I said opening the door wider. She reluctantly came in and started looking around.

"It's just me if that's what your looking for." I told her. She sat down on the couch and stared at me, her green eyes boring holes right though me. I sat down right next to her. "Look, Vanessa....I know I had no right to talk to you like that....."

"You got that right..." She whispered.

"Please let me finish....I know I had no right to talk to you like's just that ever since I first saw you, I liked you. And talking to you on Thursday I started to like you even more. I wanted to go to the One Direction meet and greet because I know Harry's reputation and I wanted to try to keep him away from you. I hadn't found a way to ask you to be my girlfriend yet and the M&G came up way to fast....." I was cut off by her kissing my lips.

"I forgive you Riker.....and I might have something else to say if you ask the right question...." She said winking at me. I had a pretty decent idea what she wanted me to ask her.

"Vanessa will you be my girlfriend?" I said looking in her eyes and smiling.

"Yes" she said kissing me again. I was now the happiest man alive.

Vanessa's P.O.V.

"Vanessa will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me

"Yes" I said kissing him. I decided that Riker was going to be the one for me. Harry was sweet but his reputation was kind of iffy. For now he would be another good friend. Plus I've known about Riker a lot longer than I have Harry. And with Harry on tour for another few months I'll get to spend more time with Riker. I just hope this isn't a mistake.

"So what do you say tomorrow around 10am I'll pick you up and take you on a full day date." He said still smiling.

"Sounds good, what should I wear?" I asked him.

"Something between casual and fancy."

"O.k. .... You know I'm actually glad I came over here, today was not as fun as I had hoped." And it really wasn't. I mean the fight with Riker was pretty bad. On the walk over I was crying my eyes out.

"I know I'm sorry, my jealousy gets the better of me sometimes. But now that I have you and the fact that I trust you, I should be o.k. Like I said I knew Harry's reputation of being a lady's man and I just didn't want him to hurt you." He told me.

"Harry is a nice guy, once you get to know him. I doubt that he would do anything to hurt me but thank you for at least trusting me and being honest about this whole thing." I said kissing him for a lot longer this time. We both pulled away breathless. I looked at the clock and seen it was close to 6pm I still had to go back to the dorms and shower and eat. I told Riker I had to go and he reluctantly walked me to the door. We kissed one more time before I walked off towards campus. I still can't believe I'm officially Riker's girlfriend, this is the best day ever.

Riker's P.O.V.

I'm so glad she actually came over....I had gained up enough courage to finally ask her out. I still can't believe that Vanessa is my girlfriend, this is the best day ever.

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