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Vanessa's P.O.V.
    Today has been so much fun. First a book store, than an art shop, then a picnic in the park. I didn't think this day could've gotten any better. That's when Harry said he had two more surprises waiting for me. Driving through the rain we talked some more until I seen where the next stop was. We pulled into a big drive-in movie theater. I couldn't see which movies were playing but I was hoping Harry remembered I never got scared watching scary movies. I've seen so many behind the sceans videos on YouTube that I know every trick in the book. I have to know the tricks though if I'm going to be an actor. Harry paid for two tickets and drove us to the screen playing that movie. After playing credits for about five minutes, I finally seen which movie we watching, 'The Da Vinci Code'. 
    "Harry, this is awesome! This is like my favorite movie ever!" I said as Robert Langdon (a.k.a. Tom Hanks) popped on screen. I cuddled up next to Harry as the movie started playing. I loved how this movie had puzzles and action. I just don't get why the church would cover it up. I mean...Jesus wouldn't be any less devine if he did have kids would he? Anyways after the two hour movie was over Harry drove us to his last surprise. He had put the blindfold on again. After about 30 minutes of driving Harry had stopped the car for good.
    "O.k. We're here!" He said as he helped me take the blindfold off. It took me a while to adjust to the lighting before I realized where we were. We were parked in front of one of the fanciest and most expensive resturants in Cheyenne, called 'The Royal Treatment'.
    "Oh Harry, you didn't have to take me here." I told him.
    "Well to me you're a princess so yes I did."
    "Awww you're sweet." I said kissing his cheek.
    "Shall we?" He asked smiling as he held his arm out to me.
    "Let's go!" I said taking his arm. We walked up to the host. Harry told him the name and he led us to a private corner of the resturant. Since I was only 18, Harry had ordered us Sprite to drink. He was soo thoughful. When the waiter came back we ordered two plates of fettichini pasta and alfredo sauce with chicken and brocolli. It was the best pasta I had ever had. For dessert we had ordered a large chocolate molten lava cake. I had never had one before but let me just say that it is my new favorite dessert. We laughed a little bit before the clock in the resturant struck 6:30pm, we had thirty minutes to get back to the hotel. Harry paid for the meal and I secretly left a bit extra for a bigger tip. We headed outside hand in hand laughing some more until we got to the area we parked.
    "What the hell??!!" Harry yelled.
    "Where is it??!!" I panicked.
    "I swear I parked it right here!!" Harry twirled around to see if it was somewhere else. Me and Harry both panicked more knowing it was a rental car and also having no way back to the hotel.

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