Mystery Date

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Vanessa's P.O.V.

So as soon as I got home last night Jade was asking about mine and Riker's talk. I told her he had apologized for being rude at the meet and greet and had officially asked me to be his girlfriend. She flipped a little because Ross had asked her when they got home from the meet and greet. They were going on a date today too. Riker told me it was a mystery date and that I would be surprised as the date goes on. I had almost forgotten about Harry when I seen his note lying on my computer desk. I decided to tell him what had happened.

'Hi Harry, it's V. I know I agreed to a date but would it be o.k. if we went as friends? After I got home yesterday Riker wanted to talk. He apologized and asked me to be his girlfriend.' I texted him.

'Yeah that's fine...did you say yes?? -H still likes you' he texted back.

'yeah it's official -V a good friend'

'Congrats. If you ever need anything you can come to me. -H a good mate' I laughed at his response, at least he understood and didn't push it. 'Thanks will do' I texted before I hurried to get ready for mine and Riker's date. Jade's date was at ten just like mine and the boys had said they would pick us up at the dorm. At exactly ten the boys showed up.

"We are taking you girls on a double date to a mystery place." Riker told us.

"Sounds like fun!" Me and Jade both squealed. The boys brought us to the car blindfolded us and took off. I sat up front with Riker and Jade sat in back with Ross. After about 30 minutes of driving the car came to a stop and the blindfolds were taken off. I looked around and seen a long beach with lots of people surfing and jet skiing.

"So what do you think?" Ross asked.

"I LOVE IT!!" Jade yelled excited.

"What are we going to do first?" I asked Riker smiling.

"What ever you guys want..."Ross said.

"Skiing!"Me and Jade both said at the same time.

"Alright let's go..." Riker said opening the car doors. Riker and Ross brought us over to the rental booth. We picked out a blue jet and a yellow jet. Me and Riker got on the blue one while Ross and Jade got on the yellow one. We decided to have a race to the other end of the lake. Five minutes later me and Riker had made it to the other end of the lake, with Jade and Ross a ways behind us.

"No fair ours is broken!" Jade cried out.

"Fine let's switch..." I said knowing that Ross wasn't as good as Riker. We got off our jets to switch. We decided to do the same race. Me and Riker were in the lead again just as I expected. I turned back to look at Jade and Ross behind us. They kept pointing ahead and yelling something I couldn't understand.

"Uh-oh..." I heard Riker say.

"Uh-oh. What do you mean uh-oh? Riker what's wrong?" I said starting to panic.

"The brakes....and there's a ski jump ahead....jump off.." He yelled starting to push me off.

"RIKER!!!!" I yelled as I hit the water realizing what would've happened. I didn't know if Riker had jumped off too or took the jump himself. I tried swimming back up to the top of the water but something was wrapped around me. I started to lose my breath and panic as I tried to unwrap whatever had a hold of me. I kept trying as my panic got worse and worse. I let out my last bit of air and pulled one last time before darkness had overtaken me.

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