Only Time for Ten...

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Ross's P.O.V.

Riker came home yesterday afternoon and almost tore the house up. He told me what Louis had told him and honestly I hoped this worked. I liked Vanessa, as a friend of course, but things still wouldn't be the same without her around here. Riker just wasn't himself when he wasn't with her. When she was o.k., Riker would smile more, jam out harder, and socialize more. Now that she don't remember him he doesn't smile, he just stands when he plays, and he hides in his room all day. It's really sad, but to be honest I'd probably do the same thing if that had happened to Jade. Anyways it's almost nine...the girls should be here any minute now. Riker has been contemplating which songs he should play for her and picked out ten. He was just pacing back and forth waiting for the girls to show up.

*rinnnnnggggg* the door bell. Here we go....

Jade's P.O.V.

"Hey guys come on in, we have to start asap." Ross said as he opened up the door. I gave him a quick kiss and walked inside. Riker's eyes just lite up as soon as he seen Vanessa. You could tell he really loves her.

"Let's get started..!!" Vanessa said once she eyed the radio. These were the ten songs we played through:

-pass me by
-forget about you
-let's not be alone tonight
-all about the girl
-heart made up on you
-I want you bad
-Cali girls
-wishing I was 23

Riker kept going though. Vanessa had said nothing about remembering anybody and Riker was getting really frustrated. He was about to put on 'if I can't be with you' but I looked at the clock and seen it said 11:05am.

"Riker I'm sorry but we have to head to the airport. It's five after eleven, we're already late."

"Fine...." Riker said tearing up. Mark (the Lynch's dad) had walked into the room he seen Riker about to cry and told him that he (mark) was going to drive. We all piled into Mark's car and took off. It was silent the whole hour there, not even the radio played. As Mark pulled into the parking lot he told us to go ahead and text him when we're done. Me, Riker, Ross, and Vanessa all climbed out and walked through the door. Riker and Vanessa up front not even looking at each other, then me and Ross behind them holding hands again. Riker went up to the counter to ask the guy were to go, he came back and lead us down to a station that said 'terminal four'. Vanessa got her bags checked and came over by us.

"I know this past week for you has been super hard, especially since I still don't remember you guys. But you seem really nice, and when I come back in a month, I hope I'll either remember all of you, or we can start a new friendship." Vanessa told us.

"I'll miss you Vanessa, you were like a sister to me." I told her back.

"You were a great friend, I can't wait for this month to be over. I'll miss you." Ross said.

"I love you! Don't you forget that! And hopefully when you remember us again we can pick up where we left off. Don't get in too much trouble with them." Riker said tearing up as he kissed Vanessa's forehead. He didn't look o.k. and it was really sad.

"Bye guys" Vanessa said as she walked onto the plane without looking back. That made Riker loose it. His tears came down harder and faster so me and Ross both helped him back outside. Ross texted his dad, five minutes later he showed up, drove us back to the house and helped us bring Riker upstairs. We let him stay up there and deal with his emotions, of course going back up every now and then to make sure nothing was going to happen. I hated seeing Riker like this and I really hope Vanessa will find a way to remember us before it's too late.

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