A long Drive

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Vanessa's P.O.V.
The bus driver said it would be a four hour drive up to Bismark, North Dakota. I sat on my bed, in a bus I shared with Harry, Eleanor, Louis, Disha, and Niall. Zayn, Perrie, Sophia, Liam, and Paul were on the second bus. We had the T.V.s hooked up though so we could all talk to eachother. I had my portable cd player with me and I was listening to the new R5 cd I got during our girl's day out. I listened to pretty much all of them, but I was sooo tired by the eight song I started turning it off. The only songs I couldn't listen too were 'wishing I was 23' and 'If I cant Be With You'. I never seem to find the time to listen to that song.
"Hey Vanessa" Eleanor said startling me.
"Hey Ele" I responded putting my cd player away.
"What were you listening too?" She asked me.
"That R5 cd I bought yesterday." I told her.
"oh-I'll let you keep listening to it then."
"na- don't worry. I put it up already, I'm kind of tired." I yawned.
"Either way...how's the head coming?" She asked.
"Still don't remember much about L.A. I feel bad about it."
"You'll remember soon, I can feel it." She told me leaving. I turned off the light and slept for the rest of the trip.

Eleanor's P.O.V.
Shoot....Vanessa still don't remember Riker or Jade. I don't know what to do anymore. I sat next to Louis as I walked out of the bedroom. I told him what Vanessa said and he just shook his head. I hate it when things don't work out.

Louis's P.O.V.
Eleanor walked out from the bedrooms. She came and sat down next to me.
"I don't know how far she got in the cd but she still don't remember Riker or Jade." She whispered to me. I glanced over at Harry who had nothing buta blanket covering him and was listening to music.
"Don't worry, she'll remember soon." I told Ele.

Back in L.A. Riker had locked Rocky out of their room for the second straight night. Ross and Jade finished their amusement park date. The documentary has started filming, and the album is still on hold. The other boys and Rydel are writing songs though.

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