Just Kidding

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Harry's P.O.V.
I picked up my phone, which I had dropped in shock of not seeing my rental car. I dailed Louis since he was the only one who had a driver's license besides me. Not 5 seconds later though I heard the echo of Louis's phone, Vanessa heard it too and started walking towards the ringing not in my phone. She was nearing the resturant again when Louis picked up his end.
"Hey Bro! What's up?" He said out of breath.
"Hey yourself! Where's the rental car?" I asked a little pist.
"What do you mean?" He asked back. Vanessa waved me over to her.
"It's gone, and when I called you I heard the echo of your phone going so I know your close by." I said walking to Vanessa. When I got to her she pointed around the corner of the resturant.
"Louis are you o.k.?" I asked when the line went silent.
"Yeah!" He said. I could hear the smirk in his voice. Me and Vanessa both walked around the corner of the resturant to see Louis and Liam in the car smirking. I hung up my phone.
"Seriously Liam you too?!" Vanessa asked.
"I couldn't help it I love pranks." Liam said still smiling.
"Boys and their immaturity" Vanessa smiled shaking her head.
"your driving back to the hotel" I told Louis as me and Vanessa hopped in the back seat. If it wasn't for the prank and the rain, I'd swear this was the best day ever.

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