Lets speed things along

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two weeks after Cheyenne:
Vanessa's P.O.V.
Wow, I can't believe my time with One Direction is halfway over already. Harry has been keeping me really busy lately, and Louis & Eleanor are both trying to get me to relax and take time away from Harry. He's been taking me on countless dates, hours of sightseeing, and always having me play some type of game with him. It's now I spend so much time with him, I'm exhausted when we get back to the bus or hotel. Tomorrow was suppose to be a day off, we're in New York now. I was going to go relax in Central Park and listen to the rest of the R5 cd, but Harry said he's taking me to a party and I can't seem to find my cd anywhere. I wonder where it could be....

Harry's P.O.V.
I hope she doesn't find out that I took her cd. These past two weeks I've thought a lot on how Vanessa is actually here and what lead up to this. I know she remembered me and the boys from listening to 'Story Of My Life', which she always says is her favorite. I thought that if favorite songs is the key to her memory, than I don't want her listening to R5 anymore. I know it's mean but I'm not going to give Riker a chance to take her away from me. Louis and Eleanor are always telling her to relax. I think they want her with Riker over me. Sure, since she showed up I've messed up more in concerts, but who can blame me. I'm taking her to a party tonight so hopefully that will get Louis and Eleanor off the case. Vanessa can just relax and have fun there, but I'm going to make sure nobody plays R5.

Louis's P.O.V.
This is bull shit man, fucking Harry. Me and Eleanor have been trying ruthlessly to get Vanessa to relax and maybe listen to more R5 songs. But everytime she finishs one activity Harry has another one set up. Even today, Harry is taking her to the mall, then to a party. I mean bloody hell!! It's like he knows that an R5 song could trigger her memory of Riker.
hold up..... I just got an idea.....ha-ha.

Eleanor's P.O.V.
uh-oh, I don't know if it's good or bad but the look Louis just got says he has an idea. I hope it's one on what to do with Vanessa to speed along her recovery.

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