Its You!!!

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Jade's P.O.V.
"OMG worst orientation ever." I said plopping down on my chair. We had spent 10 hours today trying to register for classes and clubs and also getting a five hour lecture on the rules, history, and expectations of the school. It was soooo boring, we already knew this stuff.
"I know right, like who cares? Hopefully tomorrow we'll have time to search for R5 and 1D" Vanessa smiled.
"I hope so" I said before falling asleep.

Vanessa's P.O.V.
" I hope so" she said before nodding off. Jade had actually stayed awake for all of the orientation, I fell asleep during the five hour lecture. I logged on to Twitter and decided to check Riker's account. I felt bad checking his first, I've done that for a week. I need to start looking at Harry's account first. Anyways Riker had posted "finally back in L.A. Time to chill and work on new music". OMG I still can't believe that they are going to be in the same city as me for once in my life. I knew it was a good idea to come out here. I then checked Harry's account, the last thing he posted was two days ago, "thank you Miami for the amazing show". I had to check Niall's account then just to be sure that they were both going to be here. He had tweeted an update for the show, "Saturday in L.A. at noon will be the meet and greet at Galaxy studios" I still couldn't believe my luck. BOTH, not one, BOTH of my celebrity crushes are going to be here. Riker is here now, and Harry will be here in 3 days, (it's only Wednesday). Tomorrow I know for sure nothing is going on so we can search for R5 then. Right now I kind of want to go for a walk. So I grab my dorm keys, my phone, my iPod and my sweater and head out.
I've been walking now for about ten minutes, just listening to R5. I was about cross the street but the next thing I know I'm being pulled back onto the sidewalk. I look to the street and see a car flying past me with no intentions of stopping anytime soon.
"Hey what the hell?!?" I scream as I'm standing and turning around, only to be met face to face with my crush's brother. "oh Rocky I'm so sorry to yell like that, I didn't know it was you. Thanks for saving me from the car, I was too busy listening to music...." I say being cut off.
"No it's fine, it was unexpected for you. I'm just glad I was there to help." He says smiling.
"Well seriously though, thank you. I'd probably be roadkill right now if it wasn't for you."
"Ha, could I ask you something?" He responds.
"Sure, anything"
"What is your name? You obviously know me, are you a fan?"
"Vanessa, and yes I'm a huge fan of you and R5." I smile back to him.
"If your as huge a fan as you say you say you are, your taking meeting me better than I thought. What would you say to meeting the rest of the family?"
"I would say I'd love too, and ask if I could bring a friend. Her name is Jade and she's a big fan of you guys as well."
"Sure, how about tomorrow around ten am? Here is our address, don't let anybody see that!" He half jokes.
"Sounds fun" I tell him, "and don't worry, it will be safe with me. see ya."
"Bye" he says and starts walking the opposite way to campus. Five minutes later I ran into my dorm room. Jade was up and seen me looking excited and tired.
"What happened to you? And where did you go?" She asked me.
"I went for a walk." I answered "and OMG you won't believe who I ran into!!" I said sitting down on the chair.
"Who???" Jade asked me getting antsy.
"Rocky Lynch" I responded screaming into my pillow.
"OMG no you didn't!!" She said smiling.
"Yes I did!! And he said he wants us to meet the family tomorrow at ten."
"AGHHHH I get to meet Ross!!!!!!!"
"And I get to meet Riker!!!" I said as we both started jumping up and down fan-girling.
I really can't wait for tomorrow, I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight.

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