Chapter 12 - " my fiance"

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Cailin's POV

My fingers were tapping against my wooden table.

My heart was beating faster than usual.

I was excited. A little bit too excited.

When the doorbell rang, I jumped out of my chair so far I almost tripped over it. Opening the door, it revealed Nathan behind it. I squealed in excitement. Immediately my arms wrapped around him tight, not wanting to ever let go.

" I'm so happy you're finally here" I squealed.

" me too" Nathan smiled.

I dragged him into the apartment and sat down with him on the couch. With my legs over his and our hand intertwined, this is how I liked it. This had become so comforting over the years. Having him next to me calmed down all of my nerves. He had become my anchor of some sort. My calm during a storm.

We met a year after Roy had been born. Jess decided to take me out for a night on the town in London. We ended up in an upscale bar in downtown London. That where I met him. I was a bit hesitant when talking to him. Mostly because this was that first guy I had even thought about talking to since Harry. Also because of who I was. But when I realized he didn't even know who I was, every single nerve in my body relaxed. I brought up how beautiful the photography was on the bar walls. That's when he confessed that he was the photographer behind those photographs.

Nathan traveled to many different places over the years to do his photography. He spent the night telling me about some of the places he had traveled. It was refreshing to hear a stranger talk about themselves instead of asking me about my life.

Nathan and I casually dated for a couple of months until he insisted that we were more than anything casual. That's when I knew I had to be honest with him on who I was and that I had a daughter as well. I honestly expected him to run for the hills. But he didn't. Nathan didn't care about the pop star glamour, that's how humble and simple he was. As for Roy, he couldn't wait to meet her. But I made him wait a year before getting to meet her. I did that so she could be protected from anyone who was just here for a short while. Nathan was here for the long run

Loving Nathan was something that I had never experienced. Everything with him was nice and simple. I didn't really fight. We let each other have our own careers without resenting each other. I never felt like I had to worry about him and vice versa. I was never a nervous wreck when I was with Nathan. I was happy with him.

" you're wearing your ring" Nathan smiled down as he touched my engagement ring.

" I always wear it at home" I smiled back.

" good" he responded.

Nathan had asked me to marry him right before Roy and I moved back to New York. I didn't need to process my answer in order to say yes. I knew Nathan was the guy that I needed to marry. Everything was perfect with him.

So when I told Liam about the engagement, he was happy for us but he also warned me about it becoming public. My engagement becoming public could hurt my comeback announcement. So he told me to hold it off for a couple of weeks. Just so people could focus on my music first rather than my personal life.

" how's Roy doing here in New York?" Nathan asked.

" she's absolutely the happiest she's ever been" I laughed.

Nathan looked over at me laughing along.

" She loves Chloe, she already has a little friend, and paparazzi haven't been hounding her which is what I wanted all along" I explained.

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