Chapter 12

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[Ten eerste: bedankt voor alle lieve verjaardags wensen. Vandaag was een erg leuke dag.

Ik heb van mijn ouders 'Our Moment' gekregen, Midnight Memories (pas 25 november komt ie uit helaas (wel super mega blij dat ik hem krijg!)), nieuwe laarzen (ze zijn echt heel leuk al zeg ik het zelf) en ze hebben mijn concert tickets voor de WWATour betaald. Daar heb ik natuurlijk mega veel zin in. Wie van jullie lezers komt er ook?

Ten tweede: Wow! Al meer dan 600 reads! Keep going!! Ik ga proberen elke keer zo snel mogelijk te uploaden. En aankomende week heb ik drie makkelijke proefwerken (Nederlands, Wiskunde en TNS) (TNS is techniek-, natuur- en scheikunde). Maar wel drie so's... Van bio, Frans en Latijn. Ja ik doe gymnasium dus ik heb f**king Latijn en Grieks in mijn vakkenpakket zitten.

Maar echt mega bedankt voor de reads! Ik had niet eens kunnen bedenken dat mensen dit boek ook echt leuk zouden vinden. Maar voorlopig ben ik niet van plan om te stoppen. :)

Nu snel verder schrijven. Ik wil net zo graag als jullie weten wat er gebeurt ;)




Jenna :)]

[Niall's P.O.V.]

"I just had an idea. What if I come with you to your high school?"

I am a bit afraid to ask her. She might say no. I would understand. I don't think management agrees but I don't give a sh*t. I can do what I want. I'm twenty! 

She's thinking. I love it when she does that. She stares to the wall and her eyes are everywhere and nowhere at the same time. She's just staring and she's driving me crazy because I want to know what's going on in her head.

After more than five minutes I can't take it anymore. "Jenna?" I wave my hand for her eyes. She blinks. "Can you please tell me what's going on in your head? You are driving me crazy." She mumbles something. It sounds like

"It's a mess for me"

"What? Can you say it louder?" "Niall..." she says. "Yes?" "I don't really know..." I feel embarrassed. Why did I even ask? "Where are you going?" she asks when I make my way to the door. "I uhm... I need some air." I feel my cheeks flushing. I need to get out of here. Now.

When I'm in my garden I sit down on some chair. What the hell was I thinking? Why would she even want me to come? It was definitly to soon to ask her. I shouldn't have done it. Why am I always rushing things up? Why can't I take it slow? I know... I just couldn't help myself.

I hear soft footsteps behind me. "Niall?" I hear a sweet voice whisper. My stomach flutters. Why does she have this effect on me? What is it with her? Why is she so different from all the other millions of girls? All the fans? 

I look up. Her eyes meet mine and she looks shocked. Why? "Niall? Have you been crying?" she asks. I feel my face with my fingertips. There is something wet on my cheek. Have I been crying? I can't even remember.

I look at the ground. Now I'm even more embarrased. She sits next to me and puts an arm around my shoulders.

"Niall. Shhh, don't cry. It wasn't in any of my attention to reject you." She looked at me. I could feel it. But I didn't want to look at her. Not now. Not on this time. When I was weak and vulnerable. I just couldn't.

"C'mon. Tell me what's on your mind Nialler." She doesn't want to push me to tell it but i know she wants to know. When I look at her I feel my stomach flutter again and she is sort of washing my brain.

"Just friends" they said... (Dutch)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu