Chapter 01 | A New Home

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 [This is the continuation after the events in Faded {Ink!Sans x Depressed!Reader}, if you do not read that first then read at your own risk]

  | Some people don't change, instead they fake a smile to cover up their suffering |

   "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry. Hey, it's okay. I'm right here," Ink says to (Y/n) who's crying in his skeletal arms. The sky turning dark every minute that passes by with the moon shining bright in the darkness. Ink rubs her back in circular motions trying to get her to calm down but it worked a bit. Hearing her sobbing dying down a bit he lets out a sigh of relief and happiness. An idea comes to his mind, although it could be a risk to the Alternate Universes. He has to take the chance or else he'll have a limited amount of time to spend with his star.

   "Do you wanna come with me? I mean, I could paint you a room and you could get some rest," Ink asks her hoping that she'll say yes to him. After a few seconds, the teenager lifts her head up seeing her cheeks stained with tears from all the crying. A small smile comes upon his skull face seeing her like this like she was when she was little. 

   "Y-Yea... I would like that," (Y/n) answers happily about having to live with Ink who is her best friend ever since she was born into the world. Ink smiles at her approval and lifts her up, carrying her bridle style. A light tint of pink dust across her cheeks making her a little bit embarrassed by the way he's holding her. Getting his huge paint brush out from being strapped onto his back, he paints a (f/c) on the dark green grass having it become big enough for the both of them to jump in.

   When it becomes big enough for both of them to pass through, Ink jumps in holding onto (Y/n) not letting go as she holds onto him without a thought in her head with her eyes shut tightly not wanting to see where they're headed. 

   It was only for a second and Ink looks at (Y/n) only to see her holding onto him. A faint rainbow blush covers his cheek bones as he chuckles upon seeing her scared. "We're here," He says making the teen lift her head up from where she was lying down. Seeing the beautiful scenery in front of her made her quite jealous.

   A three story mansion that's white having a few splashes of colors here and there along with windows and a balcony where some of the windows are. It brings a smile onto (Y/n)'s lips as she sees the best house she's ever seen.

   "Are you gonna be okay if there's other skeletons like me here?" Ink asks her with a smile on his skull face reassuring her that everything's okay. A few questions roam her mind on how there were other skeletons like him there but she didn't question it. A yawn escapes her lips as she rubs her (e/c) eyes trying to fight off the drowsiness, but she couldn't stay awake any longer.

   "Inky, could you take me to my room? And I don't mind having others like you there," (Y/n) says to him and he nods as she lays her head back down on where his rib cage is. His nonexistent heart skips a beat but pushes it aside, teleporting into where her room is. A light (f/c) painted on the walls with a few of her favorite designs on the floor making it feel like her dream room.

   A flatscreen television on the wall in front of her queen sized bed that has (f/c) blankets along with (s/f/c) pillows. A desk pushed up against the wall with a (f/c) computer on it. It's a perfect room for the teenager to have, if she wants something, Ink can just paint it and give it to her.

   Ink places (Y/n) onto the bed with the covers under her not wanting her to get hot. She drifts off to sleep but before she does, she mutters out a few words. "I love you Ink," She says as she closes her eyes and going into a peaceful slumber. A light rainbow dusts his cheek bones but kisses her head. "I love you too," He says before leaving the room.

   "Looks like I'm gonna have to tell the others," Ink mutters under his breath hearing some of them arguing downstairs in the living room and some in the game room where all the video games are kept. A crash is heard also having one swear out loud not wanting to hear anyone complain. And after that a ton of them were arguing than normal. He knew he should''t have put a fragile vase down there and besides they were gonna break it either way.

| People could drown in their own fears and nightmares |

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