Chapter 23 | Goodbye, Love

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   | Goodbye love |

   "(Y/n) it's time to wake up... We have to go!" A voice shrieks making her jolt up, only to have pain inflict onto her soul, breaking it more. She hisses in pain, opening her eyes only to see Chara and Frisk waiting at the end of the bed, she directs her (e/c) orbs over to the sleeping skeleton beside her that's sleeping peacefully. She knew that it's time to leave and clock must have stucken midnight. She didn't want to leave her family behind or anyone for that matter, since they all have a special role in her life. Placing a hand on Ink's cheek bone he slowly opens his eye sockets only to see the teenager sitting up in the bed. He removes his arm from around her waist and sits up also, ignoring the other two presences in the room. He wraps his arms around her waist as she snakes her arms around his neck hugging each other tightly as if they won't ever let go.

   "You're leaving... I'm gonna miss you, but I won't forget about you. Remember, I'll always be in your heart, don't let those guys drag you back down." Ink tells her, stroking her hair as tears threaten to fall from her eyes, just hearing his sweet and caring voice. She doesn't want to leave him but she has to for both of their sakes. Pulling apart, she gives him one last kiss on the cheek before leaving him in tears, almost having a breakdown right then and there, but he remains calm. Before the three teleport, she says three words that made him breakdown in tears. "I love you."

   When the three teleport, a chain wraps around her glass soul making her gasp as her eyes widen in shock and fear on what they'll do to her. A smirk only forms on Chara's lips as Frisk only rolls her eyes at the childish action of them.

   "Now what should I do with you?" Chara says in a sing-song voice as she drags the tip of her knife along her arm, sensing the fear rising in her. She can only scoff, and her she smiles at one thing. Her soul regains it's color, but it's different making her curious. When her soul faded from green, it lost meaning but now it's replaced with (f/c) making her eyes widen in surprise now knowing that she has a meaning in life and her new family. She won't give up, since she knew that she has to stay alive for Ink and her family, but Chara keeps weighing her down, so she has to step up her game.

   "I'm not giving you anything, even if you torture me until I die, I won't let you have anything." She sternly tells her only to have Chara give her a death glare as Frisk leaves, going back to the Underswap alternate universe, since she has matters to attend to. Chara holds the knife up against her neck, and the only thing that surprised them was her not flinching or showing the slightest pinch of fear making her interested even more. She was supposed to be scared of them but the tables have turned and she knew why, she regained hope along with her soul returning to a new color.

   "You're an idiot... You think that you can win that easily? I'll make you one of us, whether you like it or not. I will make you kill innocent monsters, even if I have to pull the strings." Chara says as their eyes flicker to a ruby red color making the teenager only roll her eyes at the attempt of them scaring her. She could see that they have the determination in them, for some unbeknownst reason.

   | I'll save you |

A/n: And that's the end of the story!

BUT... the next one will be coming out sometime, but not straight away.

Also I was wondering If anyone wants me to make a

Bendy x Reader

Bendy is from Bendy and the Ink Machine

And I'm currently in 5 fandoms....

Someone help me

Give me your opinion if you want me to make one!~*

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