Chapter 03 | Dream or Nightmare?

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   | Nightmares can terrorize people |

   A scene plays out in front of (Y/n) showing her in her old room with Ink beside her and drawing. Drawing each other with a smile on her lips, without a care in the world. They began talking to each other once in a while as she could see the determination in her (e/c) eyes. She remembers what happened on that day, the day that they argued about something that she doesn't remembers. Seeing the younger her have fun made a few tears run down her cheeks. Seeing her younger self made her remember all the fun times she had with Ink before she went into depression. 

   Another scene plays out catching her attention letting her eyes look over to it as the other one fades to black. The voices were muffled out to where she couldn't hear both of them saying anything. It was the argument they had years ago that was stupid but being seven years old, made her become stubborn about what she wanted. Her younger self points at Ink shouting incoherent words as she points back to the flowers in their secret garden. She could see the shock and sadness in Ink's different colored eyes as his head lowers.

   As her younger self keeps shouting at him from the stress and anger coursing through her body not knowing what she was saying, but she knows that it's hurting Ink's emotions. A smile comes onto his skull face seeing the sudden change in him, she can remember what she asked him when he did that. "Ink? What's with that look?" She asks him and the muffled voices are now back to normal making (Y/n)'s eye widen in realization knowing what's gonna happen next.

   "You think this is a game?" Ink asks her with a chuckle escaping him making her younger version take a step back from his sudden change of tone. She could feel the fear coursing through her when she saw him act like that. 

   "You don't know how much I have to deal with whenever I'm not with you! All the damage that's done to all the other Alternate Universes, that I have to fix! Everything people make is being destroyed, someone that I can't reason with! You have no idea how much I had to go through before finding him! My life is more difficult than yours! I have to protect every universe that people make and do you know how hard that is!?" Ink exclaims to her with anger in him using it all up on her not knowing what he was doing at first. Anger clouded his mind with both of his orbs turning into flames.

   "I had to make sure that no one got hurt by him! Everything people did was to make everyone happy and it did but one didn't like it and decided to destroy them! Destroying every single thing that people make! I am the protector of all the Universes! One that has to go everywhere and make sure nothing is corrupted by glitches or errors! No one can help me since I prefer to work alone and besides no one can!" 

   As he continues on tears trail down the younger versions cheeks seeing him crush her delicate heart with every ounce of energy she has. And just like that, the memory fades into the darkness leaving (Y/n) on her knees with only a few tears dropping onto the floor.

   "I wish that didn't happen," (Y/n) says to herself as she wipes away the tears from her eyes. She couldn't let that memory hold her back and people can't change the past but the future.

   | People can crush your hopes and dreams but some stay high unable to reach |

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