Chapter 21 | Stronger Than You

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   | Stars can't shine without Darkness |

   "You are not going to leave me, and I'll make sure of that." Ink says as she picks her up holding her bridal style and carries her to his bed knowing that she'll be safe there since he'll get the others to watch over her. Walking to his room, he spots Blueberry and Error talking  and drawing pictures for each other. The teenager that's rests her head on his chest soon starts to fall asleep, although she tries to stay awake since she didn't want to face the demonic child that took over her life and bringing her down the wrong road. Blueberry lifts his skeletal head up from the paper and out of the corner of his eye sees Ink holding carrying the teenager in his hands, swiftly standing up with Error following right behind him. Ink only nods his head towards the direction where his room is and they all go there. Ink lies her onto the bed, sets her into a comfortable position so she won't be uncomfortable. He speaks up catching the attention of the two skeletons behind him. "Error, go get the others. Blueberry, stay here with (Y/n). I have to deal with a certain child."

   Error obeys him and runs right out of the room only to run at full speed down the staircase, knowing that something went wrong with the two of them. Blueberry does the same, sitting beside the bed, hoping that nothing and no one would get hurt or injured. Before Ink could take his brush out, someone grabs ahold of the sleeve from his jacket making him look at the certain teenager. He bends down beside her and places a kiss on her forehead as she gives him a pleading look as if she doesn't want him to go. He wants to keep her safe without any harm done to any of them, and that's by fighting the child that's been messing with her life.

   "I have to do this Sweetheart... I'll be back before you know it." Ink tells her and teleports to where the child is. The feeling in him resonates making him feel like this is right but at the same time it isn't since he has to fight to make her free. He teleports to an empty black void with two figures standing in front of him a few meters away from him, he can clearly see who they are. Chara and Frisk from the Underswap Universe. Just seeing the two of them made the skeleton grimace at the two, holding his brush ready to attack. A giggle only escapes Chara lips, seeing how much he cares about her which makes Frisk roll her eyes at their behavior. Frisk is only there to steal the power from the teenager and then be on her way. But Chara wants the power all to herself.

   "Why are you doing this? Why are you torturing (Y/n)!? She hasn't done anything to you!" Ink shouts at them as his eyes change to a variety of colors and shapes before landing on a certain one; in his left eye a blood red target while his right eye is shaped in a red flame. Chara prepares for the fight and uses their dark magic by forming a knife with her level of violence going all the way up to ninety-nine as Frisk watches the two prepare so she'll come in if they need help.

   Without hesitation, Ink leaps forward with his brush in hand, swinging it down onto the ground having silver spikes shoot out from the ground hoping that he at least got a scratch on them but didn't to his dismay. The child simply just jumps up with a smirk forming on their lips, trying to figure out what his next attack would be. The spikes disappear as soon as Chara jumps, and this only made him more in rage. He isn't controlled by the rage in him, but knows that he has to keep it under control or else all hell would break lose and he'll use up all of his magic that he has stored for future battles.

   "You're weak." Chara speaks up catching his attention as they raise their knife above their head only to have it come down in one swift move to make a red slash flash towards him at a fast pace. He dodges at the last second making him wobble a bit but regains his balance focusing his gaze towards the child, knowing that it's possible to beat them, although he has to figure out what kind of tactic he should use to cause damage. An idea pops into his mind and he does exactly what came to his head. Raising his brush above his head he swings it multiple ways, making a variety of colors going towards them at a fast pace. They dodge most of them but the rest conflicts damage on them only to have them shake it off. Ink noticed how much damage it took, thirty-two.

   "You're nothing to (Y/n)." Frisk says, hoping to make him lose his hope and light to his world. That only made him furious with rage almost blinding him. He leaps towards them with his brush in hand ready to attack them with everything that he has in his power. He knew that he means something to her, even what the two say, she actually shows that she loves him. He would do anything in his power to keep her safe. Nothing would stop him, and he knew that he means something to her. She confessed, and they shared small kisses her and there. Slashing his brush horizontally across their chest, made critical damage to them. Watching their health go down to one health made him smile only to have him off guard. As he stood there, Frisk made her move and got her knife out ready to attack the skeleton. She swings the knife across his cheekbone, only to have him jump back knowing that he has to finish up so he can get back to his angel.

   "You wouldn't want anything to happen to her, right?" Chara speaks up making him swiftly turn his head to them only to see a certain soul in their hands. A glass soul with the edges cracked, making his eye sockets widen in realization; the soul that they have is (Y/n). Shock is in his eyes as he stops what he's doing as Frisk lowers her weapon knowing that this will make him stop. Chara takes out a knife from their pocket, aiming it at the glass soul as worry flashes in his eyes, not wanting the child to hurt or injure her in any kind of way. They speak up catching his attention. "She doesn't deserve you... You're a burden to her and she thinks nothing of you."

   "She does deserve me! I'm not a burden to her and she needs me! I would do anything for her to be happy!" Ink shouts as tears stream down his cheek bones with the rage vanishing from his eyes. His eyes return to their normal shape and color, although he doesn't want them to bring his hope down. After he said that a smirk forms on the child's lips as they drag their knife along with soul, watching it leave a mark. Anger rose in him, wanting to kill them for torturing her. She doesn't deserve it. "Why are you doing this..."

   "I need a power that she wields..." Chara states with venom lacing in their voice, not wasting another seconds and continues to make scratches along the glass soul not caring how deep or light they are. All she needs is the power that she has, and that's by weakening her. Even though she's still in depression, she's somehow determined during that state and she wants to know why she's holding on. They knew that they're leaving scars and all that Ink could do, was stand there in shock since if he made a single move or attack towards them it would result in (Y/n) dying.

   "If you make a single move, (Y/n) will die, but if I take her tonight, she won't die. So make your choice. You don't have much time to decide." Chara says only to have him pick the choice that won't be losing her for forever. If she dies, then he won't be able to see her anymore and will fall into a deep state of depression. Although if she doesn't die and only get taken away by the child, he can still have a way to save her. Sadness and rage clouds his mind, but speaks up catching the both of their attention. "You can have her, but if I see you hurt her, you'll be in a bad time..."

   | You think you want to die, but in reality you just want to be saved |

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