Chapter 02 | New Roommate

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   | Sometimes, people lie about them feeling fine |

   "Guys! What are you arguing about?" Ink asks them as all of them stop in their tracks as an annoyed Gaster Sans leans against the wall with a cigaret in his mouth. Underfell and Undertale Sans are gripping each others neck bones, looking like they're choking each other. Error has Blueberry sitting on his strings with him swinging somehow and keeping balance. Science Sans is just watching Underfell Sans choking the original one like he is in some sort of daze. Aftertale Sans along with Reapertale Sans are just chatting a few feet away from all the commotion while Dancetale Sans is in the game room playing Dance Dance Revolution with the door closed. Fresh is probably in there watching and rooting him on with some food from the kitchen.

   "Error broke the fragile vase!" Underfell Sans says angrily trying to get the original one off of him. Ink only sighs hearing a lot of voices in one but when he looks up at Error he only has an annoyed expression. Obviously he didn't want to be here but he had to get used to being near people and making more than one friend. Error shakes his head telling that he didn't do it and he believed him, knowing that he wouldn't do that on purpose. 

   "It's okay, besides I can paint another," Ink says casually making Underfell Sans growl at his response. Looking over at the game rooms door he could see Fresh making a dash towards the kitchen to get some more food for him. Ink rolls his different colored orbs seeing his shades saying Yolo in two different colors. Ink flicks his skeletal hand having Fresh being surrounded by a rainbow aura around him. This only made Fresh look at Ink with a 'really' look and he nods his skull head showing that he's serious about something. This only made him get interested about what he's gonna talk about. Dancetale Sans comes out with a bottle of water in his skeletal hand and drinking it with a grey towel around his neck bone.

   "Guys, I have news and you have to understand," Ink speaks up getting everyones attention although Underfell Sans and the original don't pay any. Ink looks up at Error and a glitchy sigh comes from him as he snaps his skeletal fingers making blue strings come down from the high ceiling and wrapping it around both of their monster souls. Both of them are surprised by seeing Errors strings wrap around their soul but glare at him before looking at Ink.

   "I brought a human here and you have to be quiet since she's taking a nap and tried to commit suicide a few minutes ago," Ink says the last part quietly although Error heard it and knows only little about her. 'So he really needed the code to see her,' Error thought with an amused smile and all the others skull faces are shocked. 

   "So it isn't Frisk or Chara?" The original Sans asks with his left eye glowing a faint blue and a menacing look in his eye. Ink sighs knowing that he can be mad at certain times especially if it's Chara.

   "Nope, it's not. And her name is (Y/n) so be nice to her. I don't want anyone getting hurt," Ink says looking over at Underfell Sans who only rolls his eyes not caring at all. Blueberry's blue orbs turn into stars upon hearing the news about a human living with them. All the others just perk up at the news not knowing what else to say. Other than that Ink and Error let go of all three of them although Fresh lands on the ground. All of them go back to what they were doing just a few seconds ago before the artistic skeleton spoke  up.

| Can you tell them that you've been faking your smile? | 

Broken Soul {Ink!Sans x Depressed!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now