Chapter 17 | Don't Forget

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| I'm going to fade away either way |

(Y/n) wakes up, immediately from her nightmare and her hands instantly go to her chest seeing if she got hurt. But she didn't, she didn't feel any sort of wounds and she sighs in relief. She tries to get out of bed, but a skeletal arm is wrapped around her waist from letting her do anything. Thinking back to last night, she remembers that she fell asleep in Ink's arms making her cheeks grow red. She turns over to her side, seeing the artistic skeleton sleeping soundly. She could hear his heartbeat from within his ribcage that haunts a soft mesmerizing tune that lures her to drowsiness, but she fights the urge of going back to sleep again. She softly nudges his shoulder to where one of his eye sockets twitch from the sudden movement. After a few seconds he opens one of his eye sockets seeing that his princess is awake.

"Why are you trying to wake me up?" He asks her seeing the smile on the teenagers lips making him feel already happy that she's beside him.

"It's time to wake up and besides, we slept in," She tells him moving out of his grasp of his skeletal arms that are now on the space where she once was.

She sits on the side of the bed checking the digital clock on the right side of his bed. "It's eleven-thirty and you have to go to Echofell, don't ask how I know that, I just do somehow," She tells him with a smile. Standing up she heads towards the door with a skip in her step. She looks back seeing the sleepy skeleton getting out of bed slowly as if he didn't get enough sleep from last night. "I'll see you downstairs before you leave," She tells him before leaving the room.

She walks down the flight of stairs only to see Dance heading down also. He wonders why she came out of Ink's room, but decides to ask her. He waits for her and while she comes down the stairs and walks alongside her catching the teenager's attention.

   "(Y/n), what were you doing in Ink's room?" Dance asks her with a slight smirk on his skull watching her cheeks turn a bright shade of red. She stops in her tracks and starts talking seeing his smirk.

   "I... I was just sleeping with Ink! No, wait... That sounds wrong! I mean, technically we were sleeping in the same bed but we didn't do anything to each other! We just slept together!" She exclaims to her best friend seeing him laughing a bit as he watches her explain the situation.

   "So what was with the duet you sang?" He asks her seeing the blush returning to her cheeks almost making her look like a tomato.

   "I-It was just a song that I made him remember the lyrics when I was younger and somehow I just remembered it yesterday, and that's it." She tells him as the blush fades from her cheeks although a question popped into her head wondering how he knew that.

   "How do you know that me and Ink sang?" She asks I her seeing a light blue tint color rises on his cheek bones. He rubs the back of his neck bone trying to come up with an excuse but nothing comes to his mind.

   "Me and the others heard you and Ink singing from a couple doors down and decided to listen from the other side of the door. Besides that, you and Ink make a perfect couple," He tells her and makes his way towards the kitchen, not looking back.

   The teenager just stands there with her cheeks glowing a bright red color as she watches him walk into the kitchen. Error hangs upside down from the blue strings that are holding him up on the ceiling that tangled him up and rolls his eyes. His different eyes locks onto the teenager's (e/c) ones and he sighs a bit.

   "Could you possibly help me down..." He asks quietly not letting anyone else hear his glitchy voice. She nods her head as her eyes flash a rainbow color before returning back to normal. She pulls out a knife from her pocket and carefully cut the strings that held up the tangled skeleton. A dark blue blush spreads across his cheek bones knowing that he never asks for unless it's Blueberry. After a few seconds the dark blue blush fades away and he falls to the ground bumping his head a bit making him feel a bit dizzy from the sudden impact.

   "Sorry! Are you okay?" She asks him, bending down beside him inspecting his figure to see if he got hurt or injured somewhere. He sits up and rubs the part of his skull that came intact with the ground as his vision blurs a bit before returning back to normal.

   "Yea, although I kinda hit my head on the ground while you got me untangled." He tells her as he lets his skeletal arm drop to his side. He could see a flash of rainbow in the teenager's eyes before returning to its normal color and she rests both of her hands on the part of his skull where he hit it. A light green glow comes from her hand and swirls around the spot where he hit it having small yellow orbs of light going with it. The spot heals and confusion swirls in his mind wondering what happened.

   She stands up extending her arm out him to take it and he hesitantly accepts the offer, feeling light headed for a moment before fading away. She lets go of his hand and remembers that he has a phobia of touching someone. "I hope you feel better. Also I heard that you and Ink has a history together ever since you two were created in the anti-void, and I would like to know what happened so you and him can be friends again!" (Y/n) tells him cheerfully with excitement in her voice as the skeletal figure glitches out a bit.

| Don't worry about me, I'm still here beside you |

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