Chapter 14 | The Revenge

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| I don't care when I'll die, all I care about I live the rest of my life with you |

   (Y/n) wakes back up feeling refreshed without having any nightmare's making her feel happy and relaxed. She thinks back to the song that Ink sang to her before joining in after a few seconds remembering the words. Her lips curl into a smile letting her eyes soften as she gets out of the bed. Rubbing her eyes to get the sleepiness out of her system's, she heads over to her closet looking for something to wear downstairs. She looks though the different clothing and sees a (f/c) silk dress that's strapless. She decides that she'll wear that pulling the dress out and placing it on the bed. She goes over to her bedroom door and locks it from letting anyone in.

   The teenager strips down and slips on the dress letting it stop just above the knees. She doesn't put on any shoes since she looks better without them. She exhales not even knowing how long she held it in. A smile tugs on the corner of her lips before knowing she smiles. She heads out of her room and down the stairs before seeing Ink on the couch sleeping soundly. 

   The teenager walks over to Ink watching him sleep soundly dreaming about something that he loves. "Hey, Ink! Get up," She tells him, seeing him shift onto his side not wanting to get up yet. A smile tugs at the corner of her lips knowing something that will wake him up. Although she needs someone to get a bucket, so she can actually wake him up. The teenager walks over to the kitchen, seeing a familiar skeleton that she met on the day she got here. 

   "Edgy Mc My Chemical Romance! Do you want to help me with something?" (Y/n) asks him with a smirk on her lips and a glint of revenge in her (e/c) eyes ready to get some payback. Edge flinches from the sudden outburst and turns around only to be face to face with the teenager. He glares at her trying to be intimidating but it doesn't work out for him and instead, he gets knocked over and falls to the floor by a roller from a cabinet. "What the hell? Sure, I don't care. I have nothing else better to do!" He exclaims getting back on his two skeletal feet as Fresh walks in.

   "Sup Fresh, how've ya been?" The teenager asks him seeing his sense with style and with all the bright colors on his clothes making her fascinated. "Do you want to possibly, prank Ink?" She asks him, instantly receiving a nod from him along with a smile as if he had nothing else to do. "Of course I'm in with this radical plan of yours," He says, but then Edge hits him in the back of his head making him hiss in pain. They glare at each other until the teenager speaks up catching both of their attention.

   "Edge, get a bucket from anywhere. Fresh, you fill it up with water and then we spill it on him," She explains making Edge scoff as he walks off getting one while Fresh does the same. After a couple of minutes waiting, they come back with the stuff. All three of them do their part and the teenager holds the bucket trying not to splash the water onto the ground to make a mess. They all walk over to Ink where he sleeps soundly on the couch as if he's dreaming of something he always wanted to dream of. The teenager counts down quietly and then when she says zero all three of them spill the water onto Ink.

   The artistic skeleton shoots up from the cold water that they spilt. "(Y/n)!? What was that for?" He says, shivering from the cold that's all over his body. Th teenager only smirks seeing him in this state. "Revenge!" She tells him and he only grabs her arm teleporting up into his room with the door locked so no one can come in and disturb them.

| Without you, I'm nothing. With you, I'm something. Together, we're everything |

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