Chapter 06 | Secret

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   | How long can you keep up this façade | 

   "Hey Ink!" (Y/n) shouts as she sits in her bedroom waiting to hear back from her best friend. Different colored paper are scattered across her floor as she waits for him, a smile on her lips. "What cha' want (Y/n)?" He asks making the girl jump from his sudden voice. Playfully pushing him a smile comes onto his skull face as he sees all the paper.

   'You have a limit to live.'

   "What are we gonna do with all this paper!?" Ink asks excitedly as he jumps up and down in his spot where he's standing. Letting a chuckle escape the girls' lips she speaks up making Ink hug her. "We are going to make paper hearts!"

   'Your soul is fractured.'

   As they make paper hearts a thought came to her mind. "Ink... Are you going to leave me like everyone else did?" She asks holding back the tears and looking over to Ink.

   'Your already weak.'

   "(Y/n), I would never leave you! Besides your my best friend!" 

   'Just give up, nobody loves you.' 

   | Fractured and broken; that's my Soul | 

Broken Soul {Ink!Sans x Depressed!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now