Chapter 22 | Glass Soul

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   | The greatest and strongest enemy is the voice inside your head |

   "(Y/n)!? What's happening... Why is Ink leaving?" Blueberry asks the teenager's figure lying on the bed with his blue orbs scanning her wondering what's happening. Her breathing becomes ragged feeling her soul starting crack whenever Ink left to deal with Chara. Directing her (e/c) orbs to the skeleton's figure, she could see the worry in his bright blue orbs, the stars disappeared only to have him have plain blue eyes but nonetheless he always looked up to her as a big sister he's never had. He would hate for her to be in pain or get injured by someone unknown enemy to him, so he would guard and defeat whatever that's put her in danger. Her life is on the line now, but knows that she has to be brave so everyone won't know that she's getting injured or hurt by a child, or monster that she would call them. Error soon comes back with the rest behind him wondering what's happening and Geno barges in the room without another thought seeing the teenager in pain. He rushes to her side right beside Blueberry holding onto her hand rubbing it and praying that nothing bad will happen to her. A smile forms on her lips seeing everyone in the room with her. They all huddle around the bed while Blueberry, Geno, Reaper, Fresh, Error, and G sit beside on the ends of the bed. Science stands beside Edge who has his skeletal arm wrapped around his shoulder as if telling him that everything will be alright, and Sans has his blue eye in a flame knowing something is going.

   "(Y/n)... You're going to be alright, nothing bad is going to happen to you." Geno speaks up catching her attention and she nods softly not to get hurt. Her soul is breaking slowly as if torturing her, only small whimpers escape past her lips having the skeleton whisper soothing words to her hoping to calm her down and rest. Everything that the skeletons due to help her only makes her feel like she's being selfish, since she hasn't received this kind of help and the last time she was like this was when she was only an infant. Tears form in the corner of her eyes as she brings a hand up to her face rubbing the tears away seeing everyone care about her. Geno only smiles sympathetically knowing what she's feeling only to have Fresh along with Blueberry worry with why she's crying all of a sudden.

   "Don't worry, I'm fine... It's just that... I haven't had any friends except for Ink for my whole entire life until I came here. And I can't believe that you treat me the same way instead of bullying me, since I only got bullied at school and everywhere else..." She tells them, wiping away the tears that stream down her cheeks as Fresh hugs her around the neck which surprised her, but at the same time felt something in his soul. He was actually feeling real emotions, making almost everyone there surprised by the fact that when she came he was treated as the playful brother to her. Everyone only treats him like an object that has no feelings since he was only a parasite to all the alternate universes, they would always bully him and he wouldn't feel anything, that was only because he would take control over someone and monsters feared that power.

   "I know how you feel... I don't want you to be or feel like that in any way because you are beautiful, and Blueberry and I treat you as if you're our sister... I don't want you to leave and for a fact I will protect you and not let anyone hurt you, remember that!" Fresh cries as he hugs her and she carefully wraps her arms around his back, rubbing his back trying to soothe him down as tears continue to slip down her cheeks. She thought of everyone as family and would never trade them for the world, but the hug had to soon end having him go back to his original spot. All of the skeletons don't want her to leave since they're all family even if Error doesn't accept it yet, she feels like he's a brother to her along with Geno also. She's happy that everyone here accepts her for who she truly is and not giving negative comments at all since they accept anyone, even if they're different.

   A sharp pain cascades throughout her body making her hiss and put her hand where her soul should be. Sans only watches with curiosity in his white pinpricks of light. Geno lets go of her hand and uses his magic to let him see her soul, which only made her look at him with a look that doesn't want him to. He knows about the pain, and does it anyway only to have everyone in the room gasp in shock at what kind of soul she has.

   "A glass soul... but that's rare!" Blueberry says in shock and worry.

   "It's not rare... her soul lost color and formed into glass. When it forms into glass and starts to break that means she's losing hope along with cracks going towards the small flickering light in the center. She's... Dying..." Geno says as he breaks down into tears as her soul fades back into her chest as Fresh and Blueberry pull her into an embrace. The pain holds onto her as her soul cracks more, that only made her go to one conclusion; Chara is making Ink choose between two choices. This only made her break down into tears on Fresh's shoulder as Blueberry hugs her from behind. Fresh tells her soothing words and hopeful words so she won't die. If her soul regains color, then she won't lose hope and regain the power that she holds within her.

   After a few minutes, a certain artistic skeleton trudges into the room alerting the teenager and the two skeleton pull away as the pain dims down upon seeing him. The atmosphere in the room becomes tense and all of the skeletons teleport into the living room letting the two be alone. In a split second Ink lunges forward and embraces her into a hug, and she knew why he's acting like this; he had to make a deal or choose a choice for Chara and the teenager could care less at the moment. All she wants is to cherish the last moments with Ink before midnight approaches, and that's what she'll do.

   "I'm so sorry! I had to make a choice and you have to leave at midnight, but I don't want you to leave since I love you. But I will kill that child if they do anything to hurt or injure you critically. I love you and I want to be with you until the world ends." Ink cries on her shoulder, and she soon smiles hearing his voice and seeing him still alive without a single scratch on him. She doesn't mind him soaking her dress, since she loves him and doesn't care at the time.

   "Ink... It's okay, you're going to see me again in time, but don't forget about me." She tells him with a small smile on her lips as she pulls away from the hug, looking into his different colored orbs. His cheek bones are tinted with a faint red blush, from the crying and in a split second, she does the unthinkable. She pulls him into a passionate kiss only to have him squeak in surprise but soon melts into it wrapping one of his skeletal arms around her waist while the other one places on the back of her head, playing with her (h/c) hair. She snakes her arms around his neck only to have her tilt her head, deepening the kiss. It was only a matter of time before things between them got heated so Ink made his move to pull away, only to have the teenager look at him with (e/c) eyes mixed with lust. She looked so helpless in front of him, but knew that it's a good time to stop and not let things go farther.

   "It's going to be fine... I won't forget about you and you better not forget about me. I love you with all my heart. So don't let them hurt you, or else their in for a bad time. Goodnight, have sweet dreams, sweetheart." Ink tells her, pulling the cover of his bed down letting her slip underneath and get ready for bed, she didn't want to get changed or else she'll pass out from the lack of sleep. He could see the bags under her eyes and could only smile at her cuteness even if she looks like a mess, she still looks beautiful to him. He gets under the covers also but only has on his boxers, making her blush slightly from seeing his ribcage. A chuckle escapes from him seeing her embarrassed just by seeing him like this, and he gets under the covers letting her cuddle up to him. Letting her rest her head on his ribcage listening to his soul beat lures her into sweet and deep slumber only hear three words.

   "I love you."

   | No matter where you are, I'll always be there with you |

Broken Soul {Ink!Sans x Depressed!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now