Chapter 13 | Safe and Sound

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   | No amount of sleep in the world could cure the tiredness I feel |

   (Y/n) wakes up in her bed only to find herself alone once again without anybody around. 'Was it all just a nightmare,' She thinks staring at the wall in front of her. A knock shakes her out of her thoughts making her heart skip a beat for something. "Come in," She says as she lies back down in the bed letting the comfort warm her heart to the core. The bed sinks beside her and on instinct she looks over only to see Ink lying beside her. Ink smiles seeing the teenager's hair all messy and her tired eyes closed. "You look tired," He tells her only to get pushed, almost falling off the bed. A chuckle come from him seeing her tired more than ever, guessing that she didn't get enough sleep last night. She turns over making her face go into the pillow preventing her from seeing Ink. 

   "Didn't get enough sleep last night?" Ink asks her making her only nod not wanting to talk. He could see how tired she is, the last time he saw this side of her was when she was six. A thought comes to his mind and he pulls her out of the pillow only to make her groan. "Let me go back to sleep!" She whines to him opening her eyes only to look into his. A faint blush speeds across her face before realizing how close they were. She pouts directing her (e/c) eyes over to her bed frame. He lets go of her only to make her catch herself before face planting into the pillow. Sitting up with her pajama's on as a faint rainbow blush covers his skull face before doing something that made her smile slightly, before joining in soon after.

"I remember tears streaming down your face," 

"When I said, 'I'll never let you go,'" 

"When all those shadows almost killed your light," 

"I remember you said, 'Don't leave me here alone,"

"But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight," 

"Just close your eyes,"

"The sun is going down,"

"You'll be alright,"

"No one can hurt you now,"

"Come, morning light,"

"You and I'll be safe and sound,"

"Don't you dare look out your window,"

"Darling everything's on fire,"

"The war outside our door keeps raging on,"

"Hold on to this lullaby,"

"Even when the music's gone, gone...,"

"Just close your eyes,"

"The sun is going down,"

"You'll be alright,"

"No one can hurt you now,"

"Come, morning light,"

"You and I'll be safe and sound,"

"Oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh,"

"La la (la la),"

"La la (la la),"

"Oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh,"

"La la (la la),"

"Just close your eyes,"

"You'll be alright,"

"Come, morning light,"

"You and I'll be safe and sound,"

"Oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, oh, oh..."

   A tear slips from the corner of (Y/n) eye making her wipe it off. Pushing Ink's shoulder playfully, he chuckles knowing that she enjoyed the song that they both sang. Ink can notice that something's wrong with her. He can't figure out what it is but he knows that something's bugging her. He'll do anything to make her happy even if it means putting his life at risk, even giving his life up for her. Her voice snaps him out of his dazed state and he listens. 

   "Why'd you have to sing that?" The teenager asks him only to receive a smirk from him. "Well I thought you'd like it since your so tired looking," he answers seeing her yawn and cover her mouth. She lies back down in the bed, pulling the covers over her shoulder so he could see her head. "Are you gonna sleep for a little bit before coming down, or do you just want me to carry you down there?" 

   The girl rolls her eyes and gets into a comfortable position. "Just let me sleep and I'll be down there in about an hour and a half," She says to him as he gets up off the bed and walks to the door of her room. "Night, have sweet dreams," He tells her before leaving the room and closing the door behind him. She closes her eyes as she can feel his safety floating around her so she doesn't have to be scared. 

   "I love you Ink, I hope you know that..."

   | Please don't leave me, I need you |

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