Chapter 12 | Chara

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   | A person will drive you to the breaking point of life |

   (Y/n) opens her eyes only to find herself in a dark room not seeing a speck of light. 'This must be a dream,' She thinks as she starts walking in a straight line scanning the area. The eerie silence letting her feel a bad vibe from this. Dreams weren't supposed to be like this but nightmares are usually similar like this and she knows that this isn't a lucid dream. As she continues to walk towards nothing her vision starts to become hazy not letting her walk anymore. Coming to a stopping point, she falls to the ground as a loud ringing sound comes into her ears. Placing both of her hands over her ears to stop the ringing it dies down a notch before two ruby eyes stare at her fem a distance.

   "What do you want?" The teenager asks her feeling their presence. An insane laugh comes from them sending chills up the girls' back as she looks up, seeing the ruby eyes watching her from afar. "What do I want? I want to break you! That's what I want!" They laugh as the figure walks towards them revealing them. They bend down to meet her height and lifts them off of the ground by her neck, almost choking her. A cough comes from her dry throat as she tries to touch the ground only to realize that she couldn't. "You want something else," She says to her only to have the grip tighten around her throat making her breathing become ragged. Clawing the hand that they're holding the neck by she struggles to breath. The figure softens their grip letting the teenager breath once again.

   "Oh, right! I almost forgot! You have something that I don't!" They say cheerfully swinging her shiny and sharp knife around in her other hand. (Y/n) glances over at the object seeing her reflection in it making her flinch. She doesn't want this or die from this nightmare. The grip around her neck tightens once again making her gasp for air. Clawing once again an amused pair of ruby eyes watches her as she struggles for the oxygen. A couple of seconds pass before they soften their grip again. Letting go completely, the teenager drops to the floor covering her mouth muffling the coughing fit she has. "Chara... Why do you do this?" She asks them with pain and fear clear in her voice making the insane person look at them confused.

   A chuckle escapes their mouth seeing the helpless girl on the floor trying to talk to them as she struggles to get back up. "I just need something from you! And by breaking you is how I get it!" Chara tells her snapping her fingers only to have a shock of pain go throughout the teenagers body. Widening her eyes her heart stops for a second before beating once again."It looks like I have to go! But I'll see you tonight," They tell her before vanishing out of thin air. This only made her question herself. 'Why do I have something that she needs?'

   | Everyone has a special gift |

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